Mattel is considering the possibility of selling the remaining six tool'd 3 packs for their JLU line to die-hard fans for $50 each, or somewhere in that price range. Here is the official statement from Mattel:
"At this time there are just not enough JLU fans/customers to keep the line going. We tried lots of different combinations from single figures to 7 packs and not one of the JLU items sold well enough to continue JLU. (the 7 pack sold just as well as Parademons and Doom Patrol, none of which was even half of the min we needed to sell) From these sales, it is clear the customer base just is not large enough (despite being very passionate!) to continue the line. One thing we are looking into is considering running the final six tool'd 3 packs at the very small quota we are actually selling through on each previous JLU item (before sales or clearance pricing). If we did this, it would mean selling these packs (without changes to character line up) for around $50.00 each. If this is something fans would be interested in, please let us know. (the lower the production run, the higher the cost, this is why). We are just not sure if fans would be willing to pay this premium price for what is in some packs, only one new figure. Let us know!"

Now some will say this is Mattel doing fans a favor by giving them the chance to obtain the final characters in the line despite the cost, while others will see this as a outrageous overpricing of figures that no one in their right mind would pay that much for.
Obviously Mattel simply wants to see if enough diehards are willing to pay that kind of money to get these figures. What we want to know is how you feel about Mattel, or any company for that matter, doing this kind of thing in general. Are they really doing us a favor by providing collectors with rare characters despite the cost? Or, is this setting a bad precedent that says the sky's the limit on what they can charge collectors? You know - get ready to pay an arm and a leg to get that character you want because companies can't find ways to sell them at a reasonable price anymore.
Please keep your comments civil. Any kind of name calling or profanity in your comments will result in a deletion.
Source of Mattel Quote: AFI
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