^ Yea, that struck me too, initially looking at these photos and such...They almostseemed to me to be a bit closerto those basic figures you see for kids, at a lower price point.
I saw these at Target the other day and in my opinion they don't look as good as the single release figures kind of simple really.
Yea, I think much as I assumed would be the case when I saw the initial preview images of this set that its a pass, for me. Id like to hunt myself down the Black Manta, which is the best of the lot, theorange and green Aquaman and the Mera, even though theyre hardly perfect, and maybe the regular Orm. And with that, Id be relatively satisfied. I dont really need or want this set.
Great review Jay.
The figures seem very simple. They could have come at least with extra hands and the lack of the base as described takes a way a little bit of the display appeal. They showed some good pieces at the last Cons and these two figures seem weak next to those.
Mattel still has a long way to go.