The head with the hair looks a little big but the bald one looks to scale. Or maybe its just the angle of the shots. I had to choose between this one;12 and the Magneto. The Magneto won. Still on back order at BBTS.
Is it just me or is the head a little big.
This figure looks absolutely great and I can't wait to have it in hand. Only gripe is I wish there was also a neutral-expression version of the bearded/shaved head.
I wonder if the flame looking effect you were looking at could be attached at the wrist joint in place of a hand or is the port too small? That emblem swapping feature is really odd too.
He looks cool though! I think I'm just going to get the Hal Jordan PX version, if this one is any indication, that'll be a nice figure too.
The review for this was excellent. Looks like I'm spending my money on one more action figure.