The Heroes of Cybertron figures make great xmas ornaments
I've decided I hate most of the stuff hallmark does because it does not light up at all.. well some stuff does ... but really most are just little statues... Whats the point of that?! I can tie a string around an action figure or micomachine ships ifI really wanted too yknow LOL! i'm paying $15-+ for something I want it to light up on my tree
Hell who cares what religion you are if you want them grab them
even thought Im jewish I hang a gorn ornament around my menorah @merryxmas@
What does a space alien have to do with religion?
even thought Im jewish I hang a gorn ornament around my menorah @merryxmas@
I didn't know about Greedo
They had a very limited greedo ornament, so limited that unless you showed up the day of the premiere you probably won't be able to get one. They are doing a limited Ilia from TMP that comes out in October I'm soo getting that one.
I saw these the other day, almost 50 bucks for the Klingon ship? Ka-razy!!!!
... I am tempted by the Ecto-1 ornament however....
I didn't know about Greedo
Because I missed out on the last two ornaments I broke down and got the Klingon Battle Cruiser at full price
I picked up the limited Greedo the day the ornaments came out as well as getting the Battlecruiser.
Because I missed out on the last two ornaments I broke down and got the Klingon Battle Cruiser at full price