Here it is guys! My MOTUC Horde Troopers review! These guys were a BLAST to review! From their awesome look to their phenomenal accessories these guys are by far some of my favorite MOTUC items yet!
I finally got around to reviewing this set. Here's the link: Horde Troopers Review
This really has been a stellar year for MOTUC. I hope Mattel finds some way to get these figures on sale again since they seem to have greatly underestimated/ignored the demand for these.
Because Mattel's top clients are resellers, they buy the majority bulk of the product and sell it at a mark up. Mattel has to tread lightly to keep them as customers, which is why they allow them breathing room to sell on BBTS, ebay, etc.
People are making a killing off these on ebay. They're already going for upwards of $100 or more.
I'm not sure why Mattel didn't produce a TON of these since they were in very high demand by the fans? Just doesn't make good business sense to me since people had been asking for them since before the first "army builder" pack with the palace guards was released...
I missed out on yesterday's sale. I'm interested in a pack, or even just 1 "clean" version complete. If anyone can help out please PM me. Thanks!
Well, I wanted to get 2 2-packs but after the sticker shock I got Seeing I ordered a pack for a buddy of mine as well as Mantanna for him as well. It came out to little over 200 bucks. I am hopeful that Mattel will reissue the Horde Troopers like they did the Snake men. Needless to say I was able to get 2 of the 2 packs and Mantanna. So I did well.
Anybody miss out on these?
Cannot wait for these. Looking forward to doing a bit of troop building
I hope they last a long time on the site.
I've already getting three sets through my subs but I might...might... try for two more sets.
Cannot wait for these. Looking forward to doing a bit of troop building
I hope they last a long time on the site.
I would troop build them but I can't afford extras this month. If they are released again, then I'll get a few more sets!