I admit i was hoping NECA would do Candyman and well here it is although while I'm really not into clothed figures I'm also thinking that maybe they'll do cloth figures first for Slashers i think i mean this sorta went for Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th part 2 right? First the cloth version then the sculpted version but then again who knows if they'll do a sculpted one since there is a clothed version of Billy Chapman from Silent Night, Deadly Night but no sculpted version yet. Tho i believe this figure might be good even if I'm not into this kind of figures, but yeh i admit when i saw this i did wondered wouldn't it be cool to see other slashers like Harry Warden from My bloody Valentine, Angela Baker from Sleepaway camp or even another monster Pumpkinhead now I'd love to see that.
It's a shame they went with cloth, I believe one of NECA's strength is the sculpted details on their figures.
Looks great, but never been sold on cloth figures. This might be the one to test whether or not I go full on into buying them or not. Looks incredible, and another must for the horror movie shelf.