They look fantastic and the deco is cool. I wonder if Neca will eventually give us a new Queen.
I vaguely remember playing an Alien vs. Predator video game when I was a kid, SNES, I believe. I don't remember much of the designs but I really like that Chrysalis one.
These look awesome. I was very tempted when they first showed the original AvP arcade figures but just couldnt pull the trigger. Ive had to limit what properties I collect and this one had to get cut. I love what they did here tho making those molds look realistic to fit in with others movie xenos. amazing reuse!
NECA sure knows how to squeeze every last drop of juice out of their Alien molds. Is there any version of the Alien left that they have not done?
Personally my wallet is closed until the give me more Marines from Aliens or the rest of the Nostromo crew in their deck uniforms and not spacesuits.