- Aquaman (Endless Winter)
- Martian Manhunter (New 52)
- General Zod (Comic)
- Dark Detective
- The Next Batman
- Clayface Megafig
- Superman Solar Suit (Lois And Clark Comic)
- Damien Wayne Robin Black Suit Variant
- TDKR Comic 2-Pack with Batman vs Superman
- Batman Rebirth 1.0
- Arkham Titan Joker Megafig
I'm not counting on it, but I'm hoping for a New Krypton Zod as opposed to a New 52 Zod or even a Rebirth Zod. I'd settle for a Rebirth Zod, but something tells me that Todd's going for the busier New 52 look.
So far Zod is the only one I'm really interested in. If clayface and rebirth batman look good may go with those too. Zero interest in anything from future state. Thankfully McFarlane seems to be tapering off the death metal figures and young deeper into the comics. Three Jokers line is the one I'm hanging for.
Only thing that interests me is Clayface Megafig, that should be nice. Multiverse needs more Female figures, where the hell is a Huntress and Zantanna?
looking forward for Aquaman (Endless Winter)
Martian Manhunter (New 52)
General Zod (Comic) Clayface Megafig
Yes!!! Tim Fox Batman!! Hoping for both versions. Fingers crossed for Icon, Hardware, and Static. While we're at it...let's get Grifter as well
Yes I also would want a classic or rebirth comic Wonder Woman from the multiverse line up. I like this line up, can't wait to see more official reveals hopefully this week! I like the Hazmat suit Batman and considering already on getting the target exclusive, and I do like that rebirth Supes. I wonder which figures build the Clayface and/or Joker Titan. I heard rumors of a Swamp thing BAF and potentially Mutant Leader BAF from a DKR wave. Who knows what's what.
Aquaman and Martian Manhunter are definates for me. Clayface sounds cool. Now can we just get a rebirth Wonder Woman.
I'm very interested in the Dark Knight Returns pack, especially so now that Target keeps "delaying" my armored DKR figure, I'm thinking "cancel" and "wait for this pack" is a good option for cheapos like myself. Also, Damian Wayne is my fav Robin and I'm liking his new solo book, so I'm in for a repaint in his black suit. The first McF Damian Robin is one of the best out of all the Multiverse line so far.
Looking forward to "McF"s...
light up "Redeemer" Hazmat fig...I mean
Batman =^)
OH goodddd they are making Clayface, Yes! I cannot wait, really need clayface for my Batman roguesgallery display, hopefully it will be sculptednottoo different from iconic Animated series. Although I would be okay if it wasnt mega fig and cheaper it really depends on the sculpt and so far theres many reasons to be more or less optimistic. ManBat next pls.