Got me thinking ;^)
I'd buy it in normal colors. Not sure I need a gold dragon.
Well, it never went back up for preorder. Which is funny, because the one I pre-ordered just shipped.
Yeah apparently there was a mis-communication on when it was supposed to be listed for pre-order. Those who pre-ordered are fine, those who still want it, look for it to go back up later this month.
I preordered this the moment it was available, and seeing it go down made me worried it was an april fools joke, so I emailed. TL;DR on the email, she said it isn't an april fools joke,and that all preoders of the figure will still go through, but that changes were being made to the listing, which required the link to go down for a period of time, likely after the weekend when someone can work on the website.
I don't think this was an April Fools joke. My guess its more likely a miscommunication and BBTS listed it in error. Probably meant to be some kind of store exclusive but I will see what I can find out. It was def pulled from the BBTS site. Being the weekend though I probably wont be able to find out more until next week.
Skyrim Rules!!!! ;^)
Faceless, unless BBTS was also in on this joke, this was real. I was able to get it preordered. Seriously. It's not listed on their site anymore for some reason, but it was.
LOL, you got me on this one, Jay. I was like "Why gold? Well how much is it?" and clicked the BBTS link.
For a game that was re-released almost on annual basis, it's seems like Skyrim has very little to no action figures.