Anything new for 40k? Feels like last thing 40k-related was the darktide figures that were released last year (awesome figures btw).
Have we seen anything from them in terms of House of the Dragon figures? Game of Thrones didn't seem to do terribly well, but that might have been as much a case of getting the license at the wrong time...
I hate McFarlane lost/squandered the Destiny license.
I would love to see some video game licenses get out there: Gears of War, Horizon Forbidden West, Callisto Protocol, Dead Space, aforementioned Destiny, Injustice
McFarlane needs to get deeper into Milestone and Wildstorm.
All in all he's got some good stuff...I just hope stuff can get made/be found by fans of whatever.
I wonder if they don't have the license of mortal Kombat I would like to see Jada toys make them
On 4/2/2023 at 10:16 AM, tycondrius24 said:I'm surprised they never did any Mega figs for Goro or the other larger characters maybe Storm had a special hold over those
yeah I agree, there is still a massive well of unmade characters for MK, we barely scratched the surface, seems like the line got stuck on giving us Spawn variants and Alt Skins for characters when they could have given us so many, still hoping the line isn't over it's just on a bit of a hiatus, because I was looking forward to seeing so more females mainly Mileena, Jade, Skarlet, Sindel & Sonya.
sadly Goro wasn't in MK11 he's dead, so I can see why they didn't go there with him Since McFarlane only has the license for MK11.
A bit bummed, I loved their MK figs, just wish they'd gone further down the roster. A McFarlane Reptile fig would've been sick!
21 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:it actually doesn't surprise me but bums me out Mortal Kombat isn't here, I kinda figured that line was winding down since we have seen such few figures released these past couple years, I actively collected that line and loved it, really hope we do see some new stuff eventually like some more females since we only got 1, but I guess I will just have to presume that the line might be closer to done then anything else.
I'm surprised they never did any Mega figs for Goro or the other larger characters maybe Storm had a special hold over those
I know the Movie Maniacs are already out and we'll have to wait and see if Todd just does the new season of Netflix's The Witcher or will he also be doing The Witcher 1 video game remake figures?
I don't see Princess Bride on there. I know they didn't sell at all, but I really like them. I need Miracle Max and Humperdinck, dangit.
I hope we get to see some more cool 6in DC direct stuff this year.
Does anyone actually care much for the mirrorverse line? It seems like I typically see it warming pegs until it eventually makes its way to the clearance rack.