....I broke down and ordered it. Can't deal with missing out on it (like I did with the recent limited black and white Flash figure) as the paint scheme on this makes it look so very good. Mcfarlane....here's my wallet.
Shown below via asokathegeek are IN HAND Images of the new McFarlane Toys Store Exclsuive Gold Label Superman Unchained PATINA Edition 7" scale figure from McFarlane Toys and is up for order from McFarlaneToysStore.com and retails for $29.99!. Use code PUNCH15 to save 15%.
LOVE the new repaint. It looks great! My only issue is the shipping is still over $12.00 on it. Even with the 15% discount it still ends up being $41.82 for me. Stinks Amazon won't have it as it's normally always free shipping if you have Prime. Still.....I'm on the fence.
It's cool looking, but if this is going to be his new trend I can't justify re-buying a bunch of sculpts I already have at a higher price point just because they're limited editions. Especially since them being limited editions makes me less likely to open and display them.
daumn that is a very nice repaint.... very tempting to get this even though I have the og blue/red version