On 8/23/2023 at 2:50 PM, Frozentenderloin said:If I just bought a suitable version of a figure 6 months prior I am not going to buy a gold label version with a less character accurate color scheme just because it exists
Neither am I but they are designed to appeal to completionists and those who are lured by "exclusivity" for its own sake and people who just like the new colors or feature/gimmick (GITD, inverse, signed etc). I'm guessing the sell well and easy reuse of parts to save money so it doesn't bother me I just skip them. Now if they didn't sell well but he kept pumping them out that would suck because that is part of what killed the comics market was when every single issue was "exclusive" #1, "rare" variant, sigend, foil, most Xtreme ever.
Shown below via an Overseas Seller is an in-hand look at the still unannounced She-Spawn & Cygor Gold Label 2-Pack from McFarlane Toys. The link is still not working via Amazon.com.
The packaging looks great, but dont need another She Spawn ?
I hate how McFarlane always releases like 37 versions of a given figure. Yeah he changes up an accessory or does a repaint but I feel like a lot of the rereleases he does really arent necessary. Especially since he doesnt seem to put much time between rereleases. If I just bought a suitable version of a figure 6 months prior I am not going to buy a gold label version with a less character accurate color scheme just because it exists
These both look good, but not much difference from the previous versions of these figures, I have them both already, don't think I need to be buying them again for some alternate paint-deco, not even sure why Todd would do this 2 pack, seems super redundant, but I guess that's been his bag, could have been really cool to see both these 2 in completely different decos, like a Black Version of She-Spawn, or White Cy-gor, like he had in the Original line, maybe even gold armored Cy-gor, ah well.
I've noticed the McFarlane seems to be doing more and more windowless packaging. I don't like that. Hasbro finally reversed course on their decision to do that, I hate to see McFarlane starting to do windowless - but so far it seems to have been mostly online exclusives and not anything sold at a physical store.
I already have the original releases of both of these 2 figures, so won't be buying this.