I like this figure a lot more than I expected to, honestly. I thoroughly enjoyed the Flashpoint story but have no overall fondness for the story line specific costumes and appearances. I'll likely end up using this figure as a generic Amazon warrior - but I like it a lot more than the Flashpoint Superman or Aquaman. I'll also be very excited to finally get that head for Cyborg. I've been using an extra Endless Winter John Stewart head as a placeholder and it really looks quite ridiculous.
I will crush the puny Atlantean with my ginormous...
The Target Exclusive DC Multiverse Flashpoint Wonder Woman figure from McFarlane Toys is available for pre-order.
Gotta say this WW looks pretty cool, but yet again another WW that's not the one, I already bought so Many McFarlane WW that I gotta say no, waiting for that Classic one.
Looks great! Flashpoint is one of my favorite comic arcs so Im excited. Oddly enough I dont really care about completely Cyborg anymore lol
Finally! I was wondering when they'd get around to announcing this. I honestly have no real interest in the Flashpoint WW figure itself but have been waiting patiently for the Cybrog CTB head. Right now I've got a spare John Stewart head on there as a placeholder and it looks ridiculous. It's possible that I could find use for this WW figure as a generic Amazon warrior, though with some minor customizing.
MangaPrime, maybe you're thinking about the "Last Knight on Earth" Wonder Woman figure when she's wearing the Dr. Fate helmet? Or maybe even the version where she's got something resembling a mohawk? Otherwise, this Flashpoint version of the character was definitely made in the past by DC Direct / DC Collectibles. It may have been released by Mattel as well, but I'm not certain. I absolutely remember Mattel soliciting it at least once if not twice, but I'm not as confident that it actually ever got released.
Although I certainly enjoyed the FlashPoint storyline that launched the New 52, most of those looks and costumes are of no interest to me for my collection. They were too short lived. The Flash figure from this specific McFarlane wave was awesome, though. The Superman figure sucked and the screaming head sculpt on the Aquaman was absolutely absurd. I really like the Cyborg figure so far, but the head sculpt could easily make or break the whole thing.
Okay I really thought this had already been released. Any idea what I'm thinking about because I swear I've seen this before.
Finally! I always dug this look on her, and though it was fairly apparent this would be the final figure of this wave, I'm glad to see it confirmed.