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Hey Hey, just a heads up for anyone who previously purchased Supergirl, she's on sale today for $9.99 (sold out though) but Target has holiday price matching or price adjustment, so if you do the online chat, and tell them, you can get the difference refunded to you and save a couple bucks.
5 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:Yep same boat. Had no idea this was already up for pre-order. It does just say pre-orders are sold out for now so I'm gonna hope I can get her October 28 when she's supposed to drop.
Same. Also missed the GI Joe Eel restock too. Why do these things keep happening while Im at work ?
15 hours ago, superSB said:Well sold out and I just got out of work. That suxxz. Sold out before I even knew she was up for preorder. Already for sale on Ebay too. I really hate scalpers and their bots.
Yep same boat. Had no idea this was already up for pre-order. It does just say pre-orders are sold out for now so I'm gonna hope I can get her October 28 when she's supposed to drop.
Well sold out and I just got out of work. That suxxz. Sold out before I even knew she was up for preorder. Already for sale on Ebay too. I really hate scalpers and their bots.
Wait we could've ordered this somewhere?
Already sold out. Just as well as I'm not really liking the way Supergirl looks. It just seems kinda wonky to me. The face sculp is also a bit odd. Wasn't she supposed to have boots? Doesn't seem like it on this figure.
She's not bad looking, I just wish Todd wouldn't go back and forth between soft goods and plastic capes on his figures.
Everybody remember to be civil toward each other. Personal insults due to differing opinions (or for any other reason) aren't tolerated here. I don't want to shut this thread down and hand out penalties, but I will if I have to.
I am so glad to finally have this figure preordered. I don't like the red legs or the Catwoman torso details, but it is still the best McFarlane figure so far. And I do like that, for some reason, it resembles Helen Slater. Not every Supergirl has to be 14, and Slater is a much better model than others they could have chosen.
I can grant the face is a bit more mature than supergirl normally is drawn. But that doesn't bug me. The thing I'm having to make peace with is the cloth cape.