2 hours ago, Arkana99 said:I know it's a toy but the skull looks kind of flat when it should be round. Also the tentacles should hang instead off just lay on the floor. Maybe a flight stand should have been included.
Yea i guess its in landed position.
I know it's a toy but the skull looks kind of flat when it should be round. Also the tentacles should hang instead off just lay on the floor. Maybe a flight stand should have been included.
13 hours ago, Bacondar said:This is the 80's reboot of Brainiac with Milton Fine
Ooooh ok good to know is Comic version... I noticed that they have the pink T-shirt version at entertainment earth ? that can be paired with the metallic version of that octopus ? vehicle guys... They will look very nice.???
Thanks Bacondar for letting us on the message board know where Bearded Brainaic came from.
This is the 80's reboot of Brainiac with Milton Fine
That mustache lol. Its killing me.
13 hours ago, Roadpigmaster said:I was about to ask the same since I'm not familiar with a facial hair version of Brainiac...?
Yeah. I mean it looks to me like Brainaic decide to 1 day take over Green Arrow's body or something for whatever reason. Either that, or Ollie 1 day just decide to cosplay as Brainaic.
I was about to ask the same since I'm not familiar with a facial hair version of Brainiac...?
1 hour ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Loving the colors on this one, much more fun then the Standard release, if it goes on deep discount I'll buy.
Agree with you on the colours of this 1.
I suppose if you got both, you can use the standard version as how it normally appears, and then this colourful 1 when it's drawing data or even getting ready to attack, shrink a city, and/or destory a planet. I'm curious if the Purple is really going to be shiny or not in real life.
Anyone know the deal with the Breaded Brainaic? Interesting look, but 1 I'm not familiar with. While his classic Pink top, Green Skin look is how he looked back in the 1960's-1970's, I'm more found with the more mechanical and machine looks he's had over the years.
1 minute ago, hainrs said:It'll sell out and probably today or the end of the week if it's a McFarlane store exclusive (it doesn't say it is but it's Gold which means its exclusive somewhere). They always do.
well if that's the case, meh then.