I didn't plan on getting this set, but Unmasked heads are the thing that always gets me, and the fact that I don't have a Thomas Wayne Batman. I do wish Mcfarlane included more Bruce Wayne heads with his Batman's, and just more unmask heads in general. I like the idea of superheroes' civilian faces.
They really tried to include a lot of accesories in that Flashpoint Two-Pack, even though half of them are incongruent with the storyline.
Added Amazon Link
I'm torn. The last thing I need is another Flashpoint Batman (when the guns became unfavorable to DC, for a while I would usually pick up one whenever I saw it drop to $10 or less somewhere, which was often) and I'm like 95% sure I picked up the rebirth Reverse Flash already at a Gamestop a couple of years ago, which is really all I need, but I have yet to locate it, so maybe I just think I bought it. The face is super dorky on this Zoom, though, so maybe I'm better off without it altogether.
The new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman vs Professor Zoom (Flashpoint) 2-pack is available for pre-order from places like our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth as well as Amazon with a suggested retail price of $39.99.There is also an autographed version exclusively for sale on McFarlaneToysStore with a suggested retail price of $59.99.
PROFESSOR ZOOM: Born in the 25th Century, Eobard Thawne grew up idolizing the Flash and studying the legacy of the Scarlet Speedster. However, as he learned more about the Flash, Eobard discovered how his own life was linked to his heros: He was destined to become one of Barry Allens greatest villains, a revelation that led Eobard to grow unhinged. When he eventually replicated the chemical accident that granted the Flash super speed, Eobard took on a new identitythat of the Reverse-Flash, a wicked subversion of everything the Flash stands for.BATMAN: The Thomas Wayne of Flashpoint, the man who became Batman when it was young Bruce who was killed in Crime Alley, is perhaps the most complicated version of Thomas to date. Once a brutal slayer of Gothams villains who augmented his wealth by investing in Gothams depravity as a casino magnate, Thomas Wayne rededicated himself in the 2011 Flashpoint event to erasing his own corrupted reality and giving his son another chance at life.Product Features7-inch scale (17.78cm)Made of plastic and fabricDesign with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and playHighly detailedCollectible art cardBox ContentsBatman figure2 Head sculpts2 PistolsHeadstoneSwordTrading cardProfessor Zoom figure2 Head sculptsStaffLightning rodDiorama baseTrading card
When I first heard about this two pack, this is the image that immediately came to my mind:
Here are some better pictures I had found:
Yes, the Captain Thunder Platinum will be one that I need to hunt down. Sigh.
I remember when I used to be happy about a figure being made that I wanted, but when it comes to McFarlane Platinums I know that generally the only way that I'm going to get it is to pay twice retail on the secondary market. I've never wanted a line that I collect to change hands so badly. DC is my 2nd favorite IP to only Marvel and McFarlane drives me nuts. I hate that I give them so much of my money when I don't even like their scale or proportions, but that's on me for continuing to buy from them just because I love the property.
I feel like I should have guessed Zur En Arr, but I'm genuinely surprised by Captain Thunder
Thanks to the Hong Kong based retailer sgt.peppershobbyclub we have our first in-hand look at the upcoming DC Multiverse Batman vs Professor Zoom (Flashpoint) 2-pack which will be going up for pre-order next week on November 27th at 12pm ET at places like our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.With the new images we can see all the accessories they will be included in the set. On top of that we also have our first look at several upcoming Platinum Edition Figures. Specifically the chase variants for Shazam and Red Hood from the recent DC Page Punchers wave along with the chase figures from the recent Justice League Task Force wave and then finally chase variants for three recent Batman figures.