Why are there 10-15 DC figures spoken about and none of them have a preorder date listed? Has the bottom fallen out at Mcfarlane? I'm getting a feeling like he doesn't give a **** anymore. ??????
I want that Supergirl, but, honestly, maybe more for her legs. The head sculpt might be worse than Helen Slater Supergirl.
Aside from that Deadshot and Strange look pretty good, though I don't really want them as characters. That Batman is almost perfect, but I don't care from the head sculpt, though I may still go for it, especially if I can get that platinum. I was hoping to get that Batman with the batpod, just so I can finally have a Dark Knight Batman, but seeing that it's gold label I fear I won't be able to. And I already made up my mind on getting that Supergirl, but for some reason I hadn't even thought about whether or not she'd have the S on the cape, and now that I see she will, I'm even more excited to get her! And Justice Lords Batman continues to look mildly interesting, but I don't know if I want to get him, because if I did I know I'd need Justice Lords Superman to go with him, and I really don't want to get that two pack with him and weird, green Batman Beyond
I'm sorry, but is that a Batman with a gun but a Deadshot without a gun? Am I high?
Shown below is a look at the new DC Direct Page Punchers Supergirl (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) 7-Inch Figure with Comic from McFarlane Toys. No word on how this will be available here in the US.
I'm definitely digging that Adam Strange and Deadshot although I definitely don't ever need another Batman. That Connor Hawke Green Arrow looks like it might end up being one of my favorite figures that McFarlane has done during their time with the license. Damage too.
Think that Connor Hawke is gonna be a nice birthday present for someone
Shown below via toy_hunters_collective is an in-hand look at some new DC Collector's Edition Deadshot, Batman and Adam Strange Figures from McFarlane Toys. Deadshot and Adam Strange were revealed during the McFarlane Toy Show a few weeks but but we also have a look at a new Batman and Platinum Edition Adam Strange. No word on how or when these will be available here in the US.
Shown below is a look at the new DC Multiverse Batpod and Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) Gold Label 7in Action Figure and Vehicle 2-Pack from McFarlane Toys. No word on how this will be available here in the US.
Shown below is a look at the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Lord Batman (Justice Lords) Gold Label 7in Action Figure from McFarlane Toys. No word on how this will be available here in the US.