Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman One Million 7-inch Figure are available for pre-order at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth as well as Amazon with a suggested retail price of $25.99.
Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Final Batsuit Mega Figure from the Justice League: The Sixth Dimension are available for pre-order at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth with a suggested retail price of $39.99.
I've always liked the mouthless-mask look for Batman, but I think I've got what I need out of Speeding Bullets already.
Cool figure but probably will get it when goes down
I like to have Batman and Superman variants to pair up, like Kingdom Come Supes and Bats, DKR Batman and Superman, Animated Superman and Batman, etc.
I will get DC One Million Batman in hopes that the Superman will come before Mcfarlane Toys stops making DC.
I'm about sick of Batman but that looks good to me.
Shown below is the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman One Million 7-inch Figure. Pre-order launches March 28th at 12pm EDT at at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.