This Wednesday, three of CrossGen's top titles hit: SOJOURN #27, ROUTE 666 #15 and SCION #39! And if you've ever wanted to try these series, each issue offers the perfect place to jump onboard!
Utilizing a special vertical presentation in homage to Hal Foster's legendary Prince Valiant comic strip, SCION #39 marks the final issue by the acclaimed creative team of writer Ron Marz and penciler Jim Cheung.
"I'd had the idea of a Hal Foster-inspired issue for quite a while, and we were just waiting for the right time, and the right story, to do it," said Marz. "When Jim and I agreed that #39 was going to be the last issue for both of us, it seemed like a natural fit. Part of the inspiration for SCION was Foster's Prince Valiant, and I looked at this as a way to pay homage, but also a way for us to doing something a little different. I like to play with format where it's appropriate, and I couldn't be happier with the way this turned out."
You can join Marz, Cheung, inker Mark Morales and colorist Jason Keith for a historic tour of Avalon--and even take a glimpse at the possible future of Ethan and Ashleigh--on September 17th!
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