7-Page Sneak Peek Of A Crucial Chapter!
Can you hear them? The battle drums are thundering...NEGATION WAR is almost here!
What is the Negation Empire? Who leads them? Who will stand against their all-out invasion of our universe? And who is our secret ally in this upcoming conflagration? If you've heard about the upcoming event, but have never tried a CrossGen comic, NEGATION #27 (which also contains an eight-page preview of LADY DEATH: THE WILD HUNT #1) lays it all on the line! And if you're a veteran reader, this chapter delivers some revelations that will blow your mind!
If you want to see what the Sigil-Bearers are up against, just check out the following seven pages! Komptin, a Specialist in the Negation Empire, has a serious hatred for Obregon Kaine, the soldier who escaped his grasp. As for what Komptin "specializes" in, well...it ain't pretty!
NEGATION WAR is coming...and writer Tony Bedard, penciler Paul Pelletier, inker Dave Meikis, and colorist Larry Molinar set the stage on February 25th!
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