Mattel Q&A Round-Up For January 15, 2009

by Jay Cochran
January 16, 2010
In order to make it easier for you to check out all the different Mattel Q&A's that are posted around the Internet, we have gathered up all the questions with links to the actual sites where you can easily go to and see the answers. Here is the round-up for January 15th's batch of questions. Click here to check out the TNI ones.

Cool Toy Review: From what we saw at SDCC, the Ghostbuster collection is going to take a serious 180 after the four core characters come out and we move on to Peck. What do you have planned after that point? Can you show us some images or even character design sketches?

Cool Toy Review: Can you please shed some good light on the DCIH line? I haven't heard anything in a loooong time and I'm getting worried. BTW I really like the new articulation.

Cool Toy Review: If/when you re-release Mer-Man might he be packaged wearing the alternate head? Seems like a win-win with MOC collectors and making him different from the original release.

Cool Toy Review: In the haste of everyone's desire for DCUC wave 10 it seems that wave 8 and 9 have become much harder to acquire, at least in my experience. I have never seen W8 Hawkgirl or Gentleman Ghost in the wild. More than those figures alone is my desire to complete the BAF, and at least with Gentleman Ghost it can't be had for less than 4 times retail on the secondary market. This seems to indicate that the supply didn't meet the demand. Is there a chance for some restocks of these waves, or at least the more desired figures in these waves with their BAF parts rather than stands?

Cool Toy Review: LOVE the new card design for the DCUC line...can we get a glimpse of the DCIH cards?

1) In regards to deluxe beasts in the MOTUc toy line, are you open to release any creatures from the different animtaed shows? (For example, the Griffing creature from the 200x series)

2) Are the Masters of the Universe display bases still on schedule for a February release and will they be sold in 3 packs similar to the 6" flight stands?

3) You have confirmed that Beast Man will be re-released on January 15th but there has be no mention of what maodifications the figure will have. Can you share those changes with us?


1) The new package design for DC Universe Classics looks great. Can you tell us what led you to use the words Super Powers in the logo? Did it have anything to do with the Kenner toy line from the 80's?

2) You mentioned that the new 2010 package art will reveal upcoming figures in the DCUC line. In regards to the Ultrahumanite, will he be a single carded figure or "Collect and Connect"?

3) Will Mattel be producing action figures based on the new Justice League Crisis on Two Earths animated film? DCUC wave 5, the 1st Walmart exclusive wave, was notoriously difficult to find at retail. Can we expect figures from this wave to be re released in the future? What is the expected time frame for the DCIH figures with new articulation to hit mass retail? (this question was submitted over a month ago before the release of the latest wave) When DCSH was originally released, the 4H had said that Bane was retooled with full articulation before going to the factory, yet the Bane that was released was just a repaint. Being that fans want a fully articulated Bane, is the retooled prototype still available for use for final production? Will Mattel be making a Toy Line for the newest DCU film: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths? Can you give us a hint as to what figures we can expect to see released in the DCUC All-Star's line?

Kestors Korner

Kastor: The DCUC Batman and Robin 2 pack coming out next year with a classic Tim Drake Robin has the incorrect symbol and incorrect gloves. Is there any way these can be changed before release?

Kastor: The JLU Cheetah was lost in the shuffle for many of the JLU fans, any chance of seeing this figure as a single or in another pack ?

Kastor: With DCUC wave 11 being sold on Matty Collector will it be possible for collectors to get replacements for damaged figures (broken joints or incorrectly assembled figures) or will the vouchers continue?

Kastor: What are the height limits on MOTU figures? (We know that DCUC height limits are between 9 or 10 inches.)

Kastor: With all the JLU having foot holes, is there any way all the figures can come with stands like the females of the line?

The Fwoosh

1. Do you have a more accurate time frame for when fans can expect the second series of Public Enemies figures? Lots of people are getting itchy to complete Brimstone.

2. Will Toy Guru still have some involvement in the DCUC, MOTUC and GB lines next year even though he is moving over to Green Lantern? One of the things that has been so nice about these lines is the consistency they have, some are nervous that might change going into next year.

3. With DCUC series twelve already trickling out, what series will make it out in 2010? Through series 15? 16? Beyond?

4. Will the DCUC Fan Choice vote continue again this year? It has been great having a say in a figure that gets produced.

5. Now that the MOTUC Zodak and Goddess figures have sold out in quick form, can you say with certainty now that the Bonus Figure program will continue into 2010?

1. SilntAngl asks: I think I speak for most of the fans when I say that I love that MOTU Classics follows the blueprint of the vintage MOTU line, but is there room in the line for some new takes on old characters or some all-new characters? Something that we’ve never seen before like a Battle Armor Faker or an Evil Horde-counterpart for Extendar (that could make his parts reusable)?

2. Mr. Rant asks: Recently, Toy Guru gave He-Man.Org members the chance to weigh-in on the solution to the female MOTUC figures neck stability, but both choices would take something away from the figure. If the joint works successfully on the male figures, why can’t that technique be applied to the female figures? For my part, I can’t see a good reason to limit the articulation on a $20 figure.

3. Manekochan asks: We’ve already seen a few of the different 90s era Superman costumes, but what are some alternate versions of Superman that you’d like to see in the line?

4. Noisy asks: We loved the wave 13 pictures that debuted in last month’s ToyFare, but Superboy’s costume is painted incorrectly. The neck and shoulders should be black as seen in this picture to the right. Is there still time to get the paint master changed to the correct colors?

5. Vault asks: Does Mattel look at upcoming DC multimedia projects and try to add related characters that they do have license to into the line? Specifically, something like the Jonah Hex film set to debut next year. Does that help his

1. Chris asks: I have noticed that the Alexander Luthor (3.75") figure is about the most unpopular figure in the line, in spite of how easy he is to customize, but he died and was resurected as a Black Lantern and with no physical changes to his appearance, only a paint change, so perhaps Mattel could consider a paint change on the figure to a Black Lantern design to perhaps make it more popular, and maybe even generate more interest in the first one? All of this with the fact that Blackest Night is going on in the books of course.

2. Will the Green Lantern movie toy line have 3.75" figures and playsets similar to the Batman movie toy line? I hope to see a Green Lantern Main Power Battery playset kind of like what was originally proposed for the Kenner Super Powers toy line.

3. I read that Maniac Mike will be handling the DCU toy lines. How long has Mike been a DC fan and Who are some of Mike's favorite DC characters?

4. Besides the Legion of Super-Heroes, what other teams will be featured in the 2010 DC Infinite Heroes toyline? You don't have to announce specific characters, just tell us what DC Teams will be represented in 2010?

5. DC Comics will be featuring the GENERATIONAL LEGACY of their characters during their 75th Anniversary year. Will we see something similar reflected in the 2010 DCUC and DCIH where characters from the Golden-Age, Silver-Age, Bronze-Age and Modern-Age be in the lineups or grouped in sets?

Pendragon's Post

1) With Mattel unable to be able to produce certain Filmation Masters of the Universe figures, is there any sort of easy guideline so that fans can know which characters can and can't be produced in the line? Could you possibly produce a list or something?

2) Can we expect any more figures in the DC Super Friends style to be offered through the site (as Robin & Hawkman were)?

3) The Retro-Action Heroes Green Arrow was amazing. Even though it’s still early in this line, have you considered female figures or teenage body figures (i.e. Mego’s Teen Titans)?

4) You've said in a couple of recent Q&As that your intention was to eventually produce two Prince Adams, with one being based on the 80's toy and another closer to the 200X concept of the character. Can you tell us if the 80's Adam will merely be a bonus figure or will he be worked into the emerging MOTUC continuity. While I welcome the extra figure, I'm wondering how you would justify a second Prince Adam?

5) Will we be seeing more DC Infinite Heroes packs like the 3-Packs or Battle for Metropolis pack?

1)Any announcements on the future of Infinite Heroes? When will we more characters with the new articulation style?

2) Clearly Mattel has the rights to make figures of Batman Beyond/Terry McGinnis. Is there a possibility of seeing any other characters (Blight, Inque, Stalker) from the Batman Beyond series in figure format from any of the Mattel DC toy lines?

3) With Evil Lyn being named as the April figure, when will the rest of the years line-up be unveiled?

4) Will Wun-Dar be shipping in February or March with the eternia map as it stated at SDCC that it would ship before March?

5) I'd say that the He-Man and Skeletor reissues were a success. We know Beastman is on his way back. That said, is there any info on future MOTUC reissues? (Please say Stratos and King Grayskull!)


1. We asked about the purple-suited Catwoman from the Gotham City 5 a few months back, and you indicated that while Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe figures were possible, there were other video games you might look at first. Now that a sequel to Arkham Asylum has been announced, how do you think Arkham Asylum figures would fit into the Mattel DC line up? How do you think the Arkham Asylum character designs would translate into toys?

2. We really like the new packaging and the theme for 2010. Regarding the collector pins, some packaged shots show “Includes Collector Button” while others show “Collector Button # out of 75″ – does that mean there are 75 DCUC figures planned for 2010? Will specific buttons always be packed in with specific figures, e.g., Iron will always have button 9, or will it be random? How will you handle buttons for variants like Mary Marvel or chase figures like the glow-in-the-dark Spectre?

3. For Masters of the Universe Classics collectors, February is still four long weeks away for you to have hinted about 4 new figures and additional SKUs that no one’s expecting. How about some cryptic hints to fuel the fervent fan speculation?

4. Would you describe the type of movement that the MOTUC Battle Cat has from the points of articulation in his torso?

5. In your DC Universe Classics update on Facebook, you introduced Mike Wilde, a big DC fan, as the newest member of Mattel’s DC marketing team. Can you have Mike introduce himself? What are his favorite comics, past and present? Who’s his favorite DC A-lister? Z-lister?

If you don't see your site listed and have a Mattel Q&A Round posted and would like to see your site added to our Round-Up, just shoot us an email at The next round of questions for Mattel are due in by Februar 1, 2010 with answers due back by February 15, 2010. If you would like to send in a question to possibly be chosen for the next round, CLICK HERE.


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