Mattel Launches Gender Inclusive Doll Line Inviting All Kids to Play

by Jay Cochran
September 25, 2019
Mattel, announced the global unveil of Creatable World, a customizable doll line offering endless combinations all in one box. Creatable World invites kids to create their own characters. Extensive wardrobe options, accessories and wigs allow kids to style the doll with short or long hair, or in a skirt, pants, or both.

“Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” said Kim Culmone, Senior Vice President of Mattel Fashion Doll Design. “Through research, we heard that kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms. This line allows all kids to express themselves freely which is why it resonates so strongly with them. We’re hopeful Creatable World will encourage people to think more broadly about how all kids can benefit from doll play.”

Mattel worked alongside a dedicated team of experts, parents, physicians and most importantly, kids, to create this one-of-a-kind play experience.

The Creatable World doll line consists of six different doll kits that are available in a variety of skin tones. Each kit includes one doll, two hairstyle options and endless styling possibilities. The product has a suggested retail price of $30 and can be purchased at major retailers online including Amazon, Target and Walmart. For more information, please visit
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memocromatico - 2019-09-30 @ 7:29 pm
5 minutes ago, slugzilla said:

I'm sorry you don't get what I'm saying, as I said before, we are very unlikely to agree on these issues.

These dolls by themselves aren't going to deprive anyone of a childhood, in this you are absolutely correct. However, are you not willing to concede the fact that our children are being bombarded from every direction with PC ideas and are being forced to learn more & more about sexuality at ages that continue to get younger and younger? Do you see no value in the innocence of a child? Perhaps I'm the only one on this forum that thinks sex ed is inappropriate for 6 year old, but I know for a fact that many parents would agree with me. I don't have a problem with the LGBT people I have a problem with extremists who try to force their views on children.

And yes, while the vast majority of individuals in the LGBT community are just born that way, I believe that some children self identify in these ways do to any number of pressures being put on them by different groups. Some do it for attention, because they're parents force it on them, or because they are practically brainwashed by their teachers, peer pressure, and indoctrination by the mass media. And that's not acceptable to me.

And for you to conflate this issue with matters of race is completely disingenuous on your part. Race is a purely physical & biological issue relating to how much melanin people have in their skin and various other physical differences. Meanwhile sexuality is a more of a mentality. The two are completely different.

And why don't I want kids to have access to these in my area? Because I'm sick and tired of all of the indoctrination, and I want to protect the innocence of children from all things sexual in nature until they mature and can make their own decisions without feeling the extreme pressures from the extremists on both the left and the right.

While I understand WHY you could interpret it as "sex ed" on PC ideas, I think you're the one giving them those attributes, the dolls are just options.

Bear with me, please.

If I were a kid again and wanted a boy with long hair to be my avatar I couldwith these. If I were a girl and wanted short hair, I could. There's no agenda in that,I'd even argue it shields children's innocence even further. By not giving attributes of what's wrong or right in the looks of a person, or gender, innocence prevails without prejudice.These give the options of the children making them what their innocence gives. Limitless imagination, if you will. Us as adults have learned through years of experience the hows and whats and whys, so we assume many things have a definition because we see it, or have learnt to see it. The way the toys are defined and the way they are trying to appeal to the kids feels pretty innocent. Isn't "be who yourself" what we always tell kids?LGBT are born that way, same as us straights, I played with dolls all my life with my sisters, grew up without a masculine figure to nurture me or learn from, always related more to girls than boys, and am still a straight male since birth.

slugzilla - 2019-09-30 @ 5:45 pm
57 minutes ago, JayC said:

Sorry but I don't see how this is depriving anyone from having a childhood. In fact for the kids out there who this appeals to, why wouldn't you want them to have the option of playing with these if you have no issue with the LGBT community. What if your kid ended up being one of those people, shouldn't they have something made for them? You make it sound like these things are taught and not something most are just born with. If I am not understanding your point then I apologize, but to me what your saying is pretty much the same as if you were saying that companies shouldn't make dolls of black people, Asians or whatever other minority groups that comes to mind because... IDK that might make them think or become used to the fact not everyone is the same so they don't learn to hate people who are different?

I'm sorry you don't get what I'm saying, or that you simply don't like it, but as I said before, we are very unlikely to agree on these issues.

These dolls by themselves aren't going to deprive anyone of a childhood, in this you are absolutely correct. However, are you not willing to concede the fact that our children are being bombarded from every direction with PC ideas and are being forced to learn more & more about sexuality at ages that continue to get younger and younger? Do you see no value in the innocence of a child? Perhaps I'm the only one on this forum that thinks sex ed is inappropriate for a 6 year old, but I know for a fact that many parents would agree with me.

And despite your attempts to lump me in with hate mongers and bigots, I don't have a problem with the LGBT people. I have a problem with extremists who try to force their views on children.

And yes, while the vast majority of individuals in the LGBT community are just born that way, I believe that some children self identify in these ways do to any number of pressures being put on them by different groups. Some do it for attention, because they're parents force it on them, or because they are practically brainwashed by their teachers, peer pressure, and indoctrination by the mass media. And that's not acceptable to me.

And for you to conflate this issue with matters of race is completely disingenuous on your part. Race is a purely physical & biological issue relating to how much melanin people have in their skin and various other physical differences. Meanwhile sexuality is a more of a mentality. The two are completely different.

And why don't I want kids to have access to these in my area? Because I'm sick and tired of all of the indoctrination, and I want to protect the innocence of children from all things sexual in nature until they mature and can make their own decisions without feeling the extreme pressures from the extremists on both the left and the right.

JayC - 2019-09-30 @ 4:54 pm
7 minutes ago, slugzilla said:

Firstly, let me clarify a few things. I am an athiest, so please don't lump me in with that crowd, and secondly I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the LGBT community or the people in it as a general rule.

I believe an individual should be judged not by any physical differences, but by the content of their heart. And members of the LGBT community are by no means less than anyother person, as you were suggesting by attempting to put words in my mouth.

I don't want anyone to go away or go back into the closet or any other of those talking points that you again inaccurately tried to suggest that I was a supportive of.

My problem is with people that are actively working to deprive children of a childhood and force them to grow up far too fast by confronting them with all of this unnecessary gender education and indoctrination at an age where they are so easily influenced and venerable. My 6 year old should not be taught the ins and outs of all of the different sexualities before they have even had a chance to be a child. I will do everything I can to protect the innocence of my children, whether it's politically correct or not, I simply don't care.

So, to sum it up, I don't have a problem with these dolls existing, I have a problem with these dolls being just another bit of the relentless attacks on a child's right to just be a child. These attempts to confuse kids & blur the lines between the sexes are unrelenting and come in every form of mass media, in schools, & now in toys. Kids should be allowed to be kids, teach them this stuff after they've had a chance to grow up a little bit and can think a little more critically for themselves and have developed something of an identity for themselves.

Sorry but I don't see how this is depriving anyone from having a childhood. In fact for the kids out there who this appeals to, why wouldn't you want them to have the option of playing with these if you have no issue with the LGBT community. What if your kid ended up being one of those people, shouldn't they have something made for them? You make it sound like these things are taught and not something most are just born with. If I am not understanding your point then I apologize, but to me what your saying is pretty much the same as if you were saying that companies shouldn't make dolls of black people, Asians or whatever other minority groups that comes to mind because... IDK that might make them think or become used to the fact not everyone is the same so they don't learn to hate people who are different?

slugzilla - 2019-09-30 @ 4:40 pm
1 hour ago, JayC said:

LOL, Yeah man you teach them a lesson. And if you mean progressive as in providing a product that says its ok to be male, female, gay, bi or tran and your not less of a person or that god is going to come and strike you down for it then more power to em. No one forces you to buy them though apparently LOL, your going to anyway, but your apparent anger towards it isn't going to stop companies from catering to them or make those people go away or even go back and hide in the closet.

Firstly, let me clarify a few things. I am an athiest, so please don't lump me in with that crowd, and secondly I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the LGBT community or the people in it as a general rule. And I absolutely believe it's perfectly fine for anyone to be who they are.

I believe an individual should be judged not by any physical differences, but by the content of their heart. And members of the LGBT community are by no means less than any other person, as you were suggesting by attempting to attribute these things to me.

I don't want anyone to go away or go back into the closet or any other of those talking points that you again inaccurately tried to suggest that I was a supportive of.

My problem is with people that are actively working to deprive children of a childhood and force them to grow up far too fast by confronting them with all of this unnecessary gender education and indoctrination at an age where they are so easily influenced and venerable. My 6 year old should not be taught the ins and outs of all of the different sexualities before they have even had a chance to be a child. I will do everything I can to protect the innocence of my children, whether it's politically correct or not, I simply don't care.

So, to sum it up, I don't have a problem with these dolls existing, I have a problem with these dolls being just another bit of the relentless attacks on a child's right to just be a child. These attempts to confuse kids & blur the lines between the sexes are unrelenting and come in every form of mass media, in schools, & now in toys. Kids should be allowed to be kids, teach them this stuff after they've had a chance to grow up a little bit, can think a little more critically and have developed something of an identity for themselves. These dolls being offered up to small children is just extremely inappropriate in my eyes.

memocromatico - 2019-09-30 @ 4:39 pm
1 hour ago, slugzilla said:

Yes, clearly if a child likes something and wants it, we parent's should just step aside and let them go wild! It's brilliant! What could possibly go wrong?

We're still talking toys approved for a certain age up, right? Not sensitive or inappropriate content online or on TV at wrong hours, or improper gun use, or unhealthy feeding habits, or substance abuse, or abusive behavior,right? Still toys, right?

JayC - 2019-09-30 @ 3:24 pm
7 hours ago, slugzilla said:

I know they won't care, but it'll sure make me happy keeping these things off the shelves at least in my area assuming they are at some point released in stores.

While I'm generally not fond of scalpers or their practices, in this case I think I will be adopting their methods. Myself and my relatively large personal network of collectors, friends, associates, & other assets have already agreed upon an arrangement to make these things impossible to obtain in this city.

I am fortunate enough to be in a financial position to essentially put a bounty on these dolls. Within a matter of days, every collector in my city will know that purchasing these dolls (if and when they hit the shelves) and delivering them to me will earn them a 30% profit per purchase.

Going forward from there, I will be holding public celebratory gatherings that feature the burning of these dolls, at every opportunity I am afforded. There will be a raffle, the winner of which will earn the honor of lighting the fire. The first will occur when I have obtained either 1,000 or 5,000 of the dolls (I haven't decided on the number yet) and will continue indefinitely every few months.

Again, these plans will only go forward if and when these dolls become available at brick and mortar retailers. And of course, other options are also being explored along the line of boycott's, protests etc.

Your argument that these dolls are just another option & that nothing is being forced on anyone is either disingenuous or ignorant at best. This is yet another attempt by progressives to blur the lines of gender and confuse venerable children. More unwanted indoctrination in the form of a new trojan horse. Somehow I suspect we will not be agreeing on these issues however, as what I have said is far from politically correct and is based more on fact and logic rather than feelings and emotions.

LOL, Yeah man you teach them a lesson. And if you mean progressive as in providing a product that says its ok to be male, female, gay, bi or tran and your not less of a person or that god is going to come and strike you down for it then more power to em. No one forces you to buy them though apparently LOL, your going to anyway, but your apparent anger towards it isn't going to stop companies from catering to them or make those people go away or even go back and hide in the closet.

slugzilla - 2019-09-30 @ 3:16 pm
22 minutes ago, memocromatico said:

Real heroes here. Saving Mattel from bankrupt by buying out these dolls because they don't align with their world view. So happy Mattel will see these dolls selling out and decideto make more. Beautiful.

Yeah, hate to disappoint, but it's going to take a lot more than me to save Mattel from themselves. Lol

slugzilla - 2019-09-30 @ 3:14 pm
3 hours ago, JHS1988 said:

Where I get that this is a marketing strategy, Mattel is still a company out to make money, I think this is more of a strategy to get people talking about physical toys. A lot of small kids seem to rather have video games, phones or tablets, which I think has less creativity to them. Ido think that kids should be pushed to more toys. They should alsohave the ability to pick out their own toys and play with them how they want to. If kids like these dolls, let them play.

Yes, clearly if a child likes something and wants it, we parent's should just step aside and let them go wild! It's brilliant! What could possibly go wrong?

memocromatico - 2019-09-30 @ 2:53 pm

Real heroes here. Saving Mattel from bankrupt by buying out these dolls because they don't align with their world view. So happy Mattel will see these dolls selling out and decideto make more. Beautiful.

JHS1988 - 2019-09-30 @ 11:46 am

Where I get that this is a marketing strategy, Mattel is still a company out to make money, I think this is more of a strategy to get people talking about physical toys. A lot of small kids seem to rather have video games, phones or tablets, which I think has less creativity to them. Ido think that kids should be pushed to more toys. They should alsohave the ability to pick out their own toys and play with them how they want to. If kids like these dolls, let them play.

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