Man there is so much MOTU product coming out that as a fan I'm really excited. Love this line, Castle Grayskull is certainly the centerpiece and will also be getting this 5 pack to complement it. It's awesome that Scareglow is getting a reissue.
Glad they are re-releasing Scareglow as well, as I hope to get it as well. Though if I miss out this time again, I do hope they re-release him in one of those Skeletor heads that comes with extra gear and maybe a small vechile of sorts. Maybe have the Skeletor Head Glow in the Dark and maybe pained like Scareglow
I do also plan onpicking up Roboto for sure, with Man-E-Faces and Triklops(I think the deco is based on the Mini-Comics)being maybes.
I'm always so surprised at how nicely sculpted and detailed Mega Construx figures are, for what they are and should be they look really great, best buildable set mini figs out there for sure.
I have the Castle and still have to open it a start putting together... Maybe after I get this set.
This set is really cool. Probably pick it up. I've skipped the last few waves because I didn't find them.