With all
10 episodes of the
Netflix Kevin Smith Masters of the Universe: Revelation series now available to watch on the streaming service, I thought I would compile this list of characters from the show that still need the
Masterverse action figure treatment from
Mattel. If you haven't seen both Part 1 and Part 2 of Revelation then I recommend you do so before reading this article because it does contain
SPOILERS. I also highly recommend checking it out even if you didn't like Part 1. I enjoyed both parts, but I felt Part 2 was better than 1 and I really enjoyed how Smith managed to incorporate so many elements of the MOTU mythos in this series.
So before we get into the figures that Mattel still needs to bring us for their Masterverse, lets do a quick recap of the ones they have already given us or we know are coming. As of right now 3 waves have been released along with 4 Deluxe figures.
Wave 1:
-Moss Man
Wave 2:
-Modern Teela
-Beast Man
Wave 3:
Deluxe Figures:
- Skelegod
- Battle Cat
- Faker (Target)
- Scareglow (Mattel Creations Exclusive)
These except for the exclusive are available for purchase from our sponsor
Besides those we also know these will soon be released.
- Classic Teela
- Mer-Man
- Deluxe Trap Jaw
- Deluxe Tri-Klops
- Deluxe King Grayskull
- Savage He-Man And Orko 2-Pack
While that is a pretty extensive list being these figures only started coming out this past Summer, there are plenty of other characters
Mattel still needs to bring us. Below is a look at all the characters that appeared in
Part 1 and or
Part 2 which
Mattel has yet to tell us if they are getting figures or not. Again beware of
Characters From Masters of the Universe Revelation Part 1 We Still Need:

Roboto which was a creation of Duncan's in this series had a pretty predominate role in Part 1, but sadly was one of the characters killed off in the show.

We get to see both a classic version and then modern Techno-Cult version in Part 1. This would make for another cool Deluxe figure.
Blast Attack

Grabbing one of the more obscure characters we see Blast Attack who I don't think ever appeared in the original Filmation series as part of Tri-Klops Techno-Cult

Like King Grayskull which we know we are getting a figure of, Wun-Dar never appeared in the original cartoon but was one of the characters seen at the end of part 1 who was up in Pre-Eternia, which is essentially the MOTU version of the afterlife.

Another one of the earlier versions of He-Man now hanging out in the afterlife with Wun-Dar and Grayskull.

This character was originally intended back in the late 80s and 90s to be the son of He-Man but was never used. Like the other He-Man based characters above, He-Ro was seen in the Pre-Eternia segments of Revelation.

One of the first people to harness the power of The Sorceress, Kuduk was seen hanging up in Pre-Eternia along with all the other He-Man's in Revelation.
Characters From Masters of the Universe Revelation Part 2 We Still Need:
King Randor

Randor was actually seen in part 1, but I felt the way he was portrayed in part 2 was much more fitting for the character we came to know in the original series. We also see him in his armor ready for battle in Part 2 which I think would be the best version for an action figure.
Queen Marlena

Like Randor, Marlena was also seen in Part 1, but we get to see her show off her pilot skills in Part 2. Being a skilled pilot is something that was established about the character in the original Filmation series.
Prince Adam

Price Adam like his parents were also seen in much of Part 1, but even more so in the second part. I could even see Mattel giving us a Royal Family boxset giving us Adam, Randor and Marlena.

Appearing in both part 1 and 2, I think she was more badass in Part 2, though sadly was killed off like so many others. Though her physical form was killed by Skeletor, we saw her appear in a spirit form multiple times during part 2.
Clamp Champ

Clamp Champ along with his budy Fisto are two more characters who did not make it through Revelations alive. We've already gotten a figure of Fisto so I have to figure Clamp Champ will come eventually These guys were in both Part 1 and 2.
Skeletorized Clamp Champ and Fisto

Before getting killed off in Part 2, both Fisto and Clamp Champ get turned into Demonized Skeletor like creatures. Depending on how this line ends up going these two might make for some cool variant releases.
Eternian Guard

Seen in both Part 1 and 2, these guys would make obvious cool army builders.
Shadow Beast

You can't have good guy army builders without bad guy ones. The Shadow Beast would make for some cool Deluxe figures.

Another army builder which we saw in part 1.
Hover Bots

Hover Bots are to cool not to see get the Masterverse treatment and another army builder to boot. Also seen in Part 1.
Stratos And Buzz-Off

Stratos and Buzz-Off themselves don't really get much if any screentime, but their people do so I figure we should get some versions of them in this line. I assume both characters where out on the battlefield fighting with their people in Part 2.

Like Spikor, we saw a fake version of Clawful in Part 1, but the real versions of both he and Spikor show up in part 2.

Webstor gets to make an appearance in Part 2 if only a brief one.

Tapping into the 80's live-action movie we get to see an animated version of Blade show up in Part 2.
Goat Man and Pig Boy

Two more obscure charatcers we get to see Goat Man and Pig Boy in animation form during Part 2. These two even get called out for being obscure during the episode they appear for a bit of comedic relief. I don't think either of these two where made in the original line but did have Classics versions made.

Panthor has a brief appearance in Part 1, and returns in Part 2, sadly to be killed off. If we get a Masterverse version hopefully it will be flocked.
Battle Beast

Beast Man gets a bit of a power upgrade during Part 2 becoming an actual beast. This would make for a good Battle Cat opponent.
Ram Man

While Ram Man's appearance in Revelation is brief, this fan-favorite should be a given for Masterverse figure form. He should also come with a flying disc he can give to He-Man.
Lyn The Sorceress

In an interesting twist Evil Lyn gets transformed into a new Sorceress under Skelegods rule.

In a further twist Lyn The Sorceress betrays Skelegod and transforms herself into her own twisted version of He-Man. This I think would definitely make for an interesting figure.
Teela The Sorceress

Something that had the seeds planted for back in the original Filmation series and toyline, Teela finally takes on the mantle of the Sorceress left vacant by her mother. If you didn't know this is where they were heading since Part 1, then I would say you don't know your MOTU mythos as well as you might think. Like her mother and unlike the Lyn version, Teela incorporates Zoar in her new look. Unlike her mother, Teela learns she can be Sorceress and not be tethered to Grayskull.
Orko The White
Like Gandalf did in LOTR, Orko returns from the dead more powerful than ever and wearing all white to help turn the tide of battle and get a rematch with Scareglow. At the end it looks like Orko won't be able to stay among the land of the living until he gets an assist from Lyn.
Andra Man At Arms

First being named as a Lt. in the Eternia Guard by Randor towards the beginning of Part 2 when he learns she played a role in bringing Adam back from the afterlife and then at the end named the new Man-At-Arms.

Not sure if what or if he has a new official title, but Duncan in his royal uniform would be cool if the line ends up going deep.
There a lot of plot threads that happen during the course of the Revelation series, one of which is a path of redemption for Lyn, bringing the character full circle. Like so many characters that we have seen traverse the line of good and evil, we will have to see if Lyn can refrain from returning to her evil ways.

At the very end we learn along with Skeletor that He-Man isn't the only thing he needs to worry about. It turns out Tri-Klops and Trap Jaw's Techno-Cult was actually put together by none other than Hordak. I am not familiar with this robotic idol we see come to life at the end but I think it would make for an interesting figure. Where we will get a third season for this show remains unknown, but the seeds have been planted and I hope we get to see what comes next.
Vehicles and Playsets:
Mattel has yet to give us any vehicles or playsets for the Masterverse line and it's unclear if they ever will. Nerver-the-less here are the ones ones that showed up in the show that would be cool to see.
Attack Trak
Sky Sled (Good and Bad Guy Versions)
Talon Fighter
Point Dredd
(Pre) Eternia Playset
Snake Mountain
Castle Grayskull