Awesome, it's great to see Slamurai and Snake Trooper, for sure will try and get those, maybe Snake Teela because she looks cool, even though she doesn't follow my collecting criteria (only one version of every character, no variants).
but what needs to be addressed is where is Wave 12!, I don't care about seeing this wave until I can actually get some pre-orders for Wave 12 damnit, need Tung Lashor it hurts my soul.
Why does the snake trooper have horde armor?
These look really good, but I'm glad I can skip this wave. There is just so much to buy out there and prices keep rising, so I have to get picky. I may pick up Slamurai if he goes on clearance.
These look great! Definitely I'm on Slamurai and a few Snake Troopers. Hopefully these will go up for pre-order soon.