Given how unlikley it is that the Nitro entrance is going to get made, I hope the Ultimate DDP gets fast tracked. If I can get this one I will since I need a DDP, but there are more iconic ring attires they could have done for him. Isn't Greatest Hits just a re-release line anyway?
6 hours ago, deecee4 said:Oh, didnt realize that. That DDP figure isn't even two years old, yet he gets a greatest hits rerelease? And he wasn't even the hot figure of that wave either. Very odd.
I was mistaken. It looks like it DOES come with the earpiece, it just doesn't seem to be on the head in the package. So it's exactly the same as the Elite Legends series 10 figure but with different packaging. There might possibly be a slight improvement to the face deco, but otherwise, it's exactly the same figure. Very odd indeed.
19 hours ago, Satam said:So that Diamond Dallas Page is pretty much just the same as the one from series 10, but without the earpiece. I wish they'd make one with a DDP Yoga t-shirt. And maybe a smiling head instead of an open mouth...or a not smiling head.
Oh, didnt realize that. That DDP figure isn't even two years old, yet he gets a greatest hits rerelease? And he wasn't even the hot figure of that wave either. Very odd.
So that Diamond Dallas Page is pretty much just the same as the one from series 10, but without the earpiece. I wish they'd make one with a DDP Yoga t-shirt. And maybe a smiling head instead of an open mouth...or a not smiling head.