I dig what theyre doing with these figures, but Im kind of feeling the burn of all of these starts and stops with anything Thundercats related... What I really wanted was to see more Thundercats Classics figures. Even after it took almost a couple ofmonths worth of savings just to land myself a Lion-O on eBay. But then, of course, that line goes and gets cancelled. I dont readily recall why. Maybe it was because trying to get the figures was so incredibly hard, in the first place? I just wish one of these companies would start on a line, and actually keep it going.
8 hours ago, Engreido2814 said:I really need some 6" Thundercats in my collection. I got rid of the Matty ones after they cancelled the line. These Funkos dont look bad though.
They look vintage indeed, but I am in for a more articulated version. Just wishSuper7 had the license.
I really need some 6" Thundercats in my collection. I got rid of the Matty ones after they cancelled the line. These Funkos dont look bad though.
I would have picked these up if my collecting habits did not move from vintage to classics.
I'm digging their style and hope that they sell well to show Mattel that there is a market for Thundercats. If they want to leave the license with Super 7 though, that's cool too. They have proven themselves to be great caregivers of beloved brands.
They look amazing, just feel a little afraid they wont finish the whole roster
I'll pick these up, I think they look cool! I still would like some proper 6" figures that are cartoon accurate too, but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose. . .
Well, they look indeed very much "vintage" as they are supposed to look. But IMO I would like more to see some taller and more articulated figures like mattel used to make. I am still sad that Super 7 could not move forward with the line.
But for what these are proposed to be hey are very very cool. Just not my cup of tea.
Okay, I realize I tend to be down on any Funko figures that aren't Legacy, but even I find the idea of a MOTU style Liono crossing steel with an MOTU style Leatherface kind of... cool.
Anxious to see what other licenses they'll release in this style.