I think I'll go into my local GameStop tomorrow and try and preorder this guy. He looks really cool! I wonder how shiny that gold is going to be in person. I also hope this line runs deep and we can get a lot of full teams of Rangers from several iterations. But also villains too!
Hope the Lightning Collection does well and extends to some of the Zords. Would love the line to eventually include versions of the MMPR Megazord and Dragonzord at the 6 level to scale with Monsterarts and NECA kaiju.
Love that they arent getting chincey with the accessories. Extra hands and fx pieces are rad.
Ahhhh AFTER 10,000 years, Chance for a Rita figure!!
I'd recommend ordering in store to save on the shipping cost, if you can. The ship to store wasn't available at least when I tried at launch.
Looks really good. I always loved the design of that character.
The Goldar we deserve!