8 hours ago, Belmont13 said:He kind of looks like Biff Tannen to me.
haha well I guess its better to look like a young Thomas F. Wilson, then a young Willem Dafoe.. either way both don't do it for me as Rangers, but Thomas is a bit better looking of a guy then Willem :,)
1 hour ago, Lord_Scareglow said:I also must say it seems like the civilian headsculpts are getting better?, they certainly in these shots look like they updated the sculpting techniques, except for the fact that Green Ranger looks like Willem Dafoe which is off putting.
He kind of looks like Biff Tannen to me.
The Tenga warrior was something I didn't expect and it looks amazing, I might have to get this, and I guess it means down the line we will be getting Ooze, I also must say it seems like the civilian headsculpts are getting better?, they certainly in these shots look like they updated the sculpting techniques, except for the fact that Green Ranger looks like Willem Dafoe which is off putting.
Green Ranger figureHelmeted headUnhelmeted headDelta MorpherDeltamax StrikerEffect piece2 Pairs of handsBlue Ranger figureHelmeted headUnhelmeted headQuasar SaberQuasar DaggerCosma Claw2 Pairs of handsTanga Warrior figureEggEffect pieceFeather pieces
Alternate hands
Just finished watching the panel Tenga Warrior I've been waiting on them going to get a few for my collection can't wait for more villains hopefully movie Villain Ivan Ooz
Panel is over. Put all the news up at the top and all the images. Pre-orders for the new wave of Lightning Collection will be up at places like BBTS at 1pm ET.
I dont collect this line, but I may have to pick up that bird guy.
Tenga Warrior looks pretty cool, love that shade of purple in the outfit. The staff with the purple effect that comes with the In Space Black Ranger would look great with my Marvel Legends Black Panther.
Red Dino Ranger makes his way into the Power Rangers Legacy Wars video game. They show a video for it.Super7 Super Cyborg Megazord revealed. There will be a full color version released this summer.ReAction figures as well which have been revealed before.No new news for Ultimates.Wave 9 of Lightning Collection will be available for pre-order everywhere at 1pm ET. Wave includes S.P.D. Green Ranger, In Space Black Ranger, Lost Galaxy Blue Ranger, Mighty Morphin Tenga Warrior.