Hasbro today announced that the figures included with their
Haslab G.I. Joe Skystriker will come on individual retro card backs and include new updated file cards.
Ace and
Wayne Ruthel will be included automatically with the vehicle if it meets it's minimum backer goal of 10k. There will be a new
Scarlett figure in flight suit released if the set reaches 13k backers,
Stealth Suit Ripcord at 16k backers and
Pit Crew which will share a file card at 18k backers.
With just 9 days to go before the campaign ends, it has just 5,798 backers. Many people i've seen online have been asking from Hasbro a side-by-side comparison of the new Skystriker and the original one giving folks a detailed look at the differences between the two vehicles. Something which Hasbro has yet to do.
While these campaigns often get sizeable jumps in backers in the final days, as we head into the home stretch the likely hood of this one reaching 18k to unlock all the stretch goals is seeming less and less likely to me, but I guess only time will tell.