DC Unlimited had several Video Game based action figures on hand at the 2010 New York Toy Fair.
God of War III
Based on Edios' upcoming God of War III video game which is due out in March. DC Unlimited will be releasing a set of 4 figures based on
Kratos, Hades, Zeus and an as of yet unannounced figure. On hand where prototypes for the Kratos and Zeus figures, unfortunetly no photos were allowed to be taken.
Starcraft 2
Based on the hit video game series Starcraft from Blizzard, DC Unlimted will be releasing a new series of figures based on the Starcraft 2 game. In the same tradition as their World of Warcraft line, DC Unlimted will be releasing 3 new figures in the first series which will include a
Protoss, Space Marine and
Terran Soldier. Like with the God of War figures no photos were allowed.
World of Warcraft
On hand was DC Unlimited's 7th series of figures based on Blizzard's World of Warcraft game. Included in this series will be
Worgen Spy Garm Whitefang, Orc Rogue Garona, and
Human Palladin Judge Malthred. There will also be a third series of premium figures which will include
Troll Hunter Taz' Dingo and
Orc Warrior Garrosh Hellscream. These will be out in October 2010. In November you can expect to see a Deluxe Collector figure of
Arthis Menethil.
Killzone 2
DC Unlimited had some concept art for 2 soldier figures from the Killzone 2 game. No photo's were allowed.
Mass Effect
On hand were the figures for DC Unlimited's first series based on the Mass Effect game. Included in this series are
Tali, Thane, Grunt and
Shepard which is due out in August. They also announced for their second series the line-up will include
Miranda, Legion, Mordin and
Finally there will be a second series of Rachet & Clank figures due out in November. This series will include
Ratchet in Holo Armor,
Azimuth, Rusty Pete and
The Smuggler.
Besides video game licenses we can also expect to see from DC Unlimited some products based on the HBO series
True Blood. Check out images from the showroom for some of these products below in our
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