I would like some supporting characters that can hold their own!!! Where's Hachiman or Snowman??
Otherwise, really liking the storyline so far!!
i'm really enjoying the series. i find all the new characters they come across very interesting and i can appreciate (along the lines of what hampsterboy said) how they are building up Lion-o's wisdome and abilities while still keeping along with the story.
at least in this new series there is a point to all the traveling/wandering and meeting new characters. that point is the omen stones and the growth of the tcats, especially lion-o. in the old cartoons (which i very much love) from what i can remember, there was no connecting point to all the episodes, many of them were just fodder to sell more toys.
lets face it, if every episode was a bettle with mumrah and every battle was a stalemate (which is what it would be because they wouldnt kill such an important character off this early), it would sooo be like gi joe and other 80's cartoons, loads and loads of pointless battles with no real outcome. i have the feeling that this show will continue to build up the tcats and story to a culmination point where lion-o will actually defeat mumrah.
The series is meandering a bit, but I'm enjoying it for the most part. I like how we're meeting the various species who inhabit the land, and it helps that the animation is still really pretty to look at.
I think as it goes along it will pick up more
I don't mind. I think they need to get Lion-O ready otherwise,he'd get his furry butt handed to him by Mumm-Ra.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the new cartoon. But some of these recent episodes are dragging out the story line. I'm glad Lion-O is learning some valuable lessons in life, but let's get to the nitty gritty of the Thunder Cats lore. When can we see some of the classic key characters, good or bad? How about some great battles? Just my thoughts....
ThunderCats Episode 10 "Sight Beyond Sight" - What did you think?
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