Yeah buddy,looking forward to this flick.Godzilla lives!
1998 was hot garbage with GINO. It had a decent monster design, but it had no heart. It was just a vehicle for Roland Emmerichs city destruction movie.
2014 had plenty of issues and flaws, but it did a good job establishing a foundation to build additional movies off of. The Godzilla was not too far removed from the source material and had far more character. Unfortunately, Godzilla was reduced to a supporting role in his own movie, he wasnt centric to the story at all. It was more about the MUTOs and...Brody (horrible decision IMO). Despite those shortcomings, it still created a successful American Godzilla film, one that facilitated the creation of monsterverse.
2016 Shin Godzilla did this much better. Godzilla has about the same screen time as 1014, but Shins presence is always felt throughout the film. He is the center of the story, on or off the screen.
2017Kong: SI confirmed the targeted audience wanted more rampaging monsters, particularly its title star. Monster driven stories tend to work better formonster films, go figure. It seems that KOTM has learned and is delivering.
Really hoping we get the film being portrayed in the trailers.
Looks intresting, hopefully this time around it wont take an hour into the movie to see godzilla , still, looking forward to this movie
Are they finally delivering a worthy Godzilla movie after all this time? I really hope so!
Heard there was other monsters in KOTM besidesthe main four and this trailer seems to confirm their presence. Time will tell if theyre Legendary originals or homages to classic kaiju.
Love the Marvel movies, but Im more excited for this release than Endgame. Been a Godzilla fan since I was a kid, the one constant in my life.