Yeah this season was all over the place. Too many people to introduce and keep the focus aroundRaven and the development ofDick at the same time, but it was way better than I thought, but as the last episode of the season was somewhat disappointing.
All of that shenanigans for that.
BUT. The Post credit scene is cool and hope that pays off.
This trailer, much like the latest, penultimate episode of Titans, really made me angry... More so than Ive been in a while.I dont want to go too much into spoilers as to why that is, but suffice to say, the lack offocusis strong with this season, as far as the plot goes. For those who may be interested, I talked about my thoughts on both the most recentepisode, as well as the trailer, in my latest Titans discussion (RANT)video. Just be sure to take into account that it comes replete with a Language Warning.