Titans - 2.07 'Bruce Wayne' Preview Images & Synopsis

by Outsiders
October 15, 2019
Tensions are running high at Titans Tower after their most recent encounter with Deathstroke. Kory attempts to learn more about Conner Kent, and Rose tries to help Jason cope with his near-death experience, while the old Titans keep getting mysterious reminders of a past they’d rather forget. As Dick sets out alone to track down Deathstroke, a familiar voice begins to haunt him – taunting him and attempting to guide him back to being the leader the Titans need. With all the strange ongoing happenings and Dick’s continuing to keep the team in the dark, both Jason and the Titans reach a potential breaking point.

Akiva Goldsman directed the episode which was written by Bryan Edward Hill.

Release: 10/18/2019


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Goldbug - 2019-10-22 @ 5:04 am

WTH did I just watch? That was a terrible episode.

Goldbug - 2019-10-17 @ 5:45 am
7 hours ago, Belmont13 said:

I still can't visualize Ian Glenn as Batman, especially the Batman that appeared in the finale to the first season.

it is impossible because he has a terrible American accent

he should have never been casted in that role

Belmont13 - 2019-10-16 @ 11:08 pm

I still can't visualize Ian Glenn as Batman, especially the Batman that appeared in the finale to the first season.

silverback77346 - 2019-10-16 @ 12:57 pm

Still trying to get over this GOT Batman. Anyhow, this is still my number one TV show right now. Wonder if Cyborg will eventually end up on this show or did they just waste him on that terrible other show, cant even remember the name of it now.

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