It's OFFICIAL! I received my signed contract and first check! I am Executive Producing a remake of THE THING but with additional chapters of John Campbell's groundbreaking novel, Frozen Hell, that had been lost for decades.
Now, for the first time ever, Campbell's full vision will be realized on the big screen. The new film will include the very best of RKO's THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, John Carpenter's classic THE THING and both books, Frozen Hell and Who Goes There?
He doesn't say it, but movie will be from Universal and Blumhouse. Everyone is super excited about it, and it's being fast-tracked.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's going on with Who Goes There?, Frozen Hell, and The Thing in Hollywood. I can't talk about the rest yet, but it's very exciting -- and if all goes as planned, the Thing will be alive and well for quite a while.
It will be interesting to see just how faithful to the original novella this will be. Extended manuscript, just found? Sounds suspicious to me. Is this gonna be like a "found footage" thing? Both the 1950s and 1980s flicks were outstanding, but didn't match the source material (nor did they try to). The prequel to the 1980s flim starring Nikki Swango wasn't critically liked, but I personally thought they dida good job with it. I hope this addition will be a success.
3 hours ago, Neovorticism2 said:I'm a fan of The Thing, the original film from 82, the prequel and of course the novella, but I had not heard of the existence of the extended manuscript of the novel until recently and for what I have read doesn't add anything substantial to the plot. As for a film based on this extended version, well I hope in the end to see something solid but I definitely doubt that it will be as good as the 82 movie. As for merchandise it is a possibility but it wouldn't hold my breath for now, I remember some time ago a company showed a McReady figure but never came to fruition, but who knows maybe in the future a bigger company, say Neca or McF might getting the license.
I've never heard of this extended manuscript of the novel either. I am now intrigued by this news.
For one I'd love to see the thing remake as i too adore the 1982 The thing and it's prequel as well, of course i did know there was a classic film and that it was based on anovella, so this might be interesting plus i enjoy horror stuff.
The 1982 movie was itself a remake, so this was bound to happen sooner or later. I doubt this new movie can top or even come close to Carpenter's paranoid masterpiece, but if anybody can make it good, it's Blumhouse.