The first episode of Revelation begins "in lockstep with the old show," Smith mentions. Then, about halfway through, "things take a shift which allows all the characters to go through these periods of growth." David mentions a "cataclysmic event that would shake it up."
Loved this new trailer. It just looks epic. So excited to binge this all in one day, haha.
1 hour ago, obs said:It is a direct continuation of the 80s show for the first 10-15 minutes which is why the character designs in certain scenes we've seen are the same, albeit slightly tweaked, as they looked back then. However, at that 10-15 minute mark of episode 1 that big cataclysmic event that keeps coming up happens and everything goes to Hell and back, and reality is literally rewritten by SkeleGod which is why the character designs change (the shaved headTeela and SkeliGod part) and there is a time jump of many years. He-Man goes "missing" (but not Adam) and Teela has to go on a get the band back together adventure to make things right and take down SkeleJoker.
No one lied or falsely advertised anything. Every bit of what I just typed has been known for months thanks to interviews both new and many months old.
What i mean is Kevin was promoting it as having the feel of the previous 80s toon. In his interviews he always talked about taking people back to that toon. I just think that was unnecessary to go that route. Its like buying a new car on a lot and it only works for the first few hours of the day. If it only has that old school feel for the first few minutes of the show and rest is different there's no reason for Kevin to focus on nostalgia.
10 hours ago, ChrisMOTUFAN said:Fine. Shave Teelas head. Thats all good but just don't lie to fans and say its a continuation of the 80s toon. Definitely false advertising. Id rather they shave all of hemans hair, give manatarms a mohawk and call this a *different* take on motu. Kevin was way too scared to be upfront with fans. Just be real with fans lol smh
It is a direct continuation of the 80s show for the first 10-15 minutes which is why the character designs in certain scenes we've seen are the same, albeit slightly tweaked, as they looked back then. However, at that 10-15 minute mark of episode 1 that big cataclysmic event that keeps coming up happens and everything goes to Hell and back, and reality is literally rewritten by SkeleGod which is why the character designs change (the shaved headTeela and SkeliGod part) and there is a time jump of many years. He-Man goes "missing" (but not Adam) and Teela has to go on a get the band back together adventure to make things right and take down SkeleJoker.
No one lied or falsely advertised anything. Every bit of what I just typed has been known for months thanks to interviews both new and many months old.
On 6/11/2021 at 11:43 PM, EvilHayato said:This gave me alot of 2003 feels. I love the 2003 motu so im highly into this. Will definitely watch!
Hopefully Masterverse will be successful enough to give us properly articulated figures of that show.
Fine. Shave Teelas head. Thats all good but just don't lie to fans and say its a continuation of the 80s toon. Definitely false advertising. Id rather they shave all of hemans hair, give manatarms a mohawk and call this a *different* take on motu. Kevin was way too scared to be upfront with fans. Just be real with fans lol smh
On 6/11/2021 at 7:36 AM, Zerzar999 said:Huge fan of He-Man. Not a huge fan of Kevin Smith. He does seem like a nice guy, but his films and direction are hit and miss at best. And lately they're mostly miss. He can make the hell outta some low budget, average schmo, low expectationstype flick like Mallrats and Chasing Amy and do better than expected, but give him a credit card and a highly anticipated property with great production value, not so much. It looks great, it hits the nostalgia spot right on the head and it makes me pretty damn excited, but something tells me, and yes, I'll admit I've been listening to all the naysayers of Youtube, that this is another Bait-N-Switch.I feel like thefirst episode(s) are gonna give us the impression of picking up right where they left off, like Smith says, but then it will change to He-Man being put on the sideline by either losing his powers or being imprisoned and it will all be up to Teela and her crew to either rescue him or restore him. At the end he will declare her as the better leader and the future will be Teela leading the Masters of the Universe. There's probably a very specific reason it's no longer called He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
If I'm wrong, and I truly hope I am, I will be the first to admit it, but you gotta know by now this kinda stuff is right of Smith's ally. Still hoping for the best, but beingaccustomed to the fact that the rug has been pulled out so many times in the past I'm not even surprised anymore.
My sentiments exactly, it's just such a clich at this point. If a property from the past gets relaunched (because Hollywood is pretty much out of ideas) you just know it's going to have a "spin" to it.
Netflix announced that 3 additional voices have been added...
Dennis Haysbert as King Grayskull, Adam Gifford as Vikor and Jay Tavare as Wundar.
New Images...
New Trailer.I'm liking everything but Sarah Michelle Gellar's voice acting here.