The upcoming RoboForce animated series, inspired by action figures, will now be co-produced by Seven Bucks Productions, the production company co-founded by Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia and run by Hiram Garcia, in partnership with Nacelle. The series, which was announced in January, will be executive produced by Brian Volk-Weiss, who is also directing, alongside Cisco Henson, Matt Kravitsky, Michael Goodman, Tom Stern, and Gavin Hignight for Nacelle. In addition, Johnson, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia, and Brian Gewirtz will serve as executive producers on behalf of Seven Bucks Productions.
The series follows the latest version of Soraya Avirams RoboForce, which debuted with plans to assist a new intergalactic society on Earth but was made obsolete by Silas Duke's new Utopia Aegis 101 line of bots. After 15 years of menial jobs, a rogue code infects the Utopia Aegis 101's, and only Maxx 89 and the rest of RoboForce have a chance to stop them.
The score for the series will be composed by Matthew Margeson, and Cartoon Conrad will animate it.
Source: Deadline
Love this line in the 80's, it just came around at the wrong time, just as the heyday of the 80's toy and cartoon regulations started cracking down. Glad to see the toys with a modern update. Have to check out how the show turns out.