Hey Jay I understand your point of view. However, I was not so excited about this new line. I hope it succeeds, but need some improvements like basic accessories.
I am not into statues and I really hope that the company doesn't turn into DC Statues.
I still say DCC is getting a bad rap over the whole cancellation thing. Yes they canceled Icons well before it's time for a varying of reasons, but that is one action figure line. They did a ton of New 52 characters, they have done a ton of BTAS, they have done a ton of Arkham figures. Nothing is going to last forever but I think people should be willing to give them a break when it comes to something like Essentials and being worried it will be canceled.
I am really hoping for Justice League Animated figures. We NEED those ASAP. There was a rumor back at ir that they would show these, but Idk what happened.
I agree and feel that is one of their problems, constantly changing their line or canceling it... so far the BTAS series is doing so well, the Icons, looked like it was gaining popularity too... now they're changing to thensure Essentials... I really hope they keep it like that, let it ride, people will like it and order it, if it is is good.
I like DC Collectibles, but the last cancellations of figures really pissed me off. To me the only solid thing still are BTAS figures. I am not into statues, so even if I could attend they would be a passfor me.
I still really hope they reveal something cool besides essentials, so far I m not impressed.
On 6/20/2018 at 1:29 PM, JayC said:$100 is rough but I do like that Matte Black and Gold Variant.
It's different, but I kinda dig it... really wish I could get into statues, I really do.
60 to 100 bucks... for that!?! Gouge those prices any higher and they'd have to change their name to Mattel.
Go to Target, they have an entire isle of DC characters done in cartoony style forless than 10bucks a pop!!!
Yeah, I get these are con exclusives, but at least when Hasbro/Marvel tacks on that 100 dollar sticker, you're getting 5 figures... actual action figures. So technically, you're paying less than at retail.
$100 is rough but I do like that Matte Black and Gold Variant.