Storm Collectibles def knows how to reuse a figure mold with these video game figures. On the one hand I can't say at the cost of these figures I have a huge desire to purchase the same figure over and over with different paint apps or a different accessory, but I do agree with you guys as a con exclusive it makes more sense.
The thing though is most "Con" exclusives are in name only these days. Most if not all get sold online directly by the manufacture or some other 3rd party, these included. I feel like people think if they slap the words SDCC exclusive on it, it will make people want to buy it more, and to some extent they are probably right, but the more and more they do it how long is that going to last?
I totally agree, love how Hasbro has been doing variants these last few years, but I know a lot want the exclusives more than the regulars. I hate when a company brings out a main line character at a convention, that's a deal killer for me and will make me lose interest in a line real quick.
Seems like Storm has got the right idea, plus with got all the different player select options, that just begs convention variant, lol.
Again, this is what I am talking about.
Variants. All companies should do the same thing or at least focus more on that. Instead of offering some very cool figure that everybody wants and the scalpers will go asking ridiculous amounts of money on them, go for these.
Hasbro offers exclusives that will be later on released for the general public, but they still are a little different. Companies like Mezco, screw us up with figures that everybody wants.
Storm goes again the right way with the color variants and those that want to put a nice fighting scene display can buy them and be happy. The cost increase is minimum, they can milk as much as possible from their molds and everybody is happy.
Be cool, be like Storm Collectibles.