Sweet Ghost Busters!
The red Hood looks sweet!
Cool Ghost-Busters.
The likenessis very good on theses figures.
I dig the Stranger Things Ghost-Busters but to the point where they earn a spot on a shelf at home.
Very excited for those cuphead figures
I still haven't watched Stranger Things yet but these figures look nice. I think these are my favorite version of the Ghost-Busters.
First male Ghost-Busters, then female Ghost-Busters, and now Kids Ghost-Busters. F#*$ it!
Cuphead figures looks nice. Wonder what contruction sets it's coming with..
I dig the Red Hood piece but, those Cuphead figures are where its at... Ive sadly not played the game, but the classic animation style speaks to my lifelong love of animation, something fierce.I definitely want the whole set!