Satam - 2020-07-24 @ 6:07 pm
6 minutes ago, memocromatico said:Same head, both are Vinz Clortho, shame really. Would've bought the rest of the wave to get the rest of the figure if that were Zuul and this Vinz. As is, I still have no interest in building Vinz, getting that version of Dana and Gozer. That is weird. They could have at least included swappable horns or something. If it were the Marvel team, I would say that they would definitely put a Zuul Terror Dog head in with one of the figures in series 2, no matter what the BAF would be, but it's not the same team, so who knows?
On 7/22/2020 at 11:20 AM, Satam said:That kind of sucks making Luis/Vinz an exclusive, but I get it, and at least it will be on Pulse. I can't tell from the pics, but the horns on that terror dog better be different from the other one. Same head, both are Vinz Clortho, shame really. Would've bought the rest of the wave to get the rest of the figure if that were Zuul and this Vinz. As is, I still have no interest in building Vinz, getting that version of Dana and Gozer.
Yes, have some! This one I don't want to miss out on, wish this wasn't an exclusive. At least they give us early enough notification that we can save up for this. Satam - 2020-07-22 @ 4:20 pm
That kind of sucks making Luis/Vinz an exclusive, but I get it, and at least it will be on Pulse. I can't tell from the pics, but the horns on that terror dog better be different from the other one.
Terror Dog looks nice but I don't really see much of Rick Moranis likeness in that head.
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