Ramen Toy Announces Partnership With Tatsunoko Production Co.

by Jay Cochran
July 05, 2024
Ramen Toy has announced they have announced that they have entered into an official license partnership with Tatsunoko Production Co Ltd who among other things has produced things such as Gatchaman and Speed Racer. More details about what products we can expect to see from Ramen Toy from this official partnership should come from a live-stream set to air at 7pm ET on July 19th.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Roadpigmaster - 2024-07-06 @ 4:15 am
10 hours ago, bkz718 said:

I was hoping Jada would do this but here are some cool things I would love to see.

Here is the official site of Tatsunoko so we have a better idea of the possible lines Ramen Toy could make...


JayC - 2024-07-05 @ 10:53 pm

Sorry the live stream is July 19th not today.

Frozentenderloin - 2024-07-05 @ 5:42 pm

I have yet to purchase anything from Ramen toys, but I would love to get my hands on a decent Mach 5 and Speed Racer figure line.

bkz718 - 2024-07-05 @ 5:41 pm

I was hoping Jada would do this but here are some cool things I would love to see.

80sboy4 - 2024-07-05 @ 5:07 pm

Ok, this could prove to be interesting. Hopefully we will see something for Speed Racer. I like Ramen Toys so I'm glad they were able to aquire this license.

BDouble - 2024-07-05 @ 2:47 pm

After over a year Im still waiting for my Ramen Racer in black but if they can deliver a 6inch Speed Racer with Mach 5 Im open to it

JayC - 2024-07-05 @ 2:35 pm

If they can deliver the entire G-Force team in a somewhat timely manner (unlike Storm Collectibles) and maybe even give us a Phoenix vehicle then I am all in.

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