I like the first released one Battle Beasts series1-3 & Laser Beasts, man please re-release again!!
I like these, not love, I really wish we could see them either re-release the original battle beasts, or even better give us like 5''-6'' Battle beasts with updated articulation.
I really would love to see a proper new battle beasts line some day down the road preferably on a larger scale, It's actually one of the most wanted figure things for me.
These are pretty cool looking. I loved battle beast when they first came out. It looks like they have some kind of feature with the dice going in their chests.
I saw these on BBTS yesterday and placed a pre-order for a few of them. Remember collecting Battle Beast figures when I was a kid and really took a liking to them, they were so collectable. I even had a little playset from the line.
Glad to see Takara releasing new versions of them, wonder if these will have the rub and reveal insignia on their chests like the originals had?