Package Description
This officer was part of the German Forces headquartered in Brunwald Castle in Austria, where the Germans had imprisoned Indy’s father as they hatched plans to capture the Holy Grail. When Indy crashed through a window to rescue Henry Jones, this officer broke into the room with one goal in mind: recovering the lost Grail diary. Despite his efforts, Indy overpowered the officer, using his own machine gun to eliminate him and two of his men.
The proportions and look of this figure are generally very good. The grey color matches quite well the movie, and the markings are for the most part the same. There is no “SS” marking on his collar, but I didn’t really expect them to make the figure have that, or a swastika. Considering this is a retail toy, I’m surprised how many markings he does have. The symbol on his left arm isn’t an eagle, but it’s as close to one that they could come. The only improvement I would suggest is some higher quality detailing. The belt buckle and bag look very plain because they are simply molded in the right color. The plastic look also clashes with the cloth clothing.
The hat looks too big for his head, but everything else looks like it goes very naturally on the figure. None of the joints are obvious or ugly looking. The gun looks perfect, having many grooves and surfaces to look close to the real thing. I like the head sculpt and facial expression, although they don’t really resemble the soldier in the movie. It doesn’t bother me; I just want a German soldier for Indy to fight, not necessarily the German soldier from that specific scene. There is a good potential for an army builder with this figure, although it would be fairly expensive. There is some good crossover potential with generic 12” figures, but he’s too small to go with lines like Marvel Legends Icons. Looking at him on the shelf, he looks good, but desperately needs Indy or someone to fight.
This figure has a much greater range of motion than I was expecting. Virtually all of the joints are ball joints, except pin jointed fingers. The elbows and knees both bend about as far as a human can. This figure really is super poseable, and can do pretty much anything you would expect a German soldier to do.
Nearly everything is great when it comes to poseability. He can do just about any pose I want him to, so the limiting factor is balance (not that it’s a problem). The only thing I didn’t like was he couldn’t really fight my ML Icons Captain America, which is saying something.
Final Judgment: 7
I don’t see how Hasbro could make any significant improvement to this figure without making the price skyrocket. I really like this figure, not just for Indiana Jones displays, but for 12” figures in general. It is an excellent figure, even if it’s not one of my favorites.
10. My favorite possession.
9. My favorite action figure.
8. One of my favorite action figures.
7. An excellent action figure.
6. A good, but not exceptional action figure.
5. An adequate action figure.
4. Not worth the money I spent.
3. I'll give it to somebody's kid.
2. I'll give it to somebody's dog.
1. It's going to lose a fight with my car.
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