For twenty-five years, the heroic G.I.Joe team has battled the evil COBRA forces with guns, guts, and glory - and loyal fans like you have stood beside them every missile-firing step of the way. Your remarkable dedication to these courageous heroes and menacing villians has made G.I.Joe the unsurpassed icon of action and adventure that it is today. G.I.Joe has risen to the challenge for a quarter of a century, and will continue the fearless fight for years to come. YO JOE!
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Secondary Military Specialty: Fixed Wing Pilot
Birthplace: Classified
The spoiled offspring of wealthy European aristocrats, the BARONESS graduated from student radicalism into international terrorism and finally into the ranks of COBRA. She was severely burned during a COBRA night attack operation and had extensive plastic surgery. Rumor has it that she is the only one who knows the true identity of DESTRO. Qualified expert: M-16, AK-47, RPG7, HISS tank operator.
"Her principal weakness is in the division of her loyalty between COBRA COMMANDER and DESTRO. Her chief strength would seem to lie in her ability to play them against each other."
Baroness is one of 5 figures in the 25th Anniversary (Cobra Set) boxset.
UPC: 5356926758
Toys R' US SKU#: 653569267577
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