Spotlight On: GIJoe 25th Anniversary Lady Jaye
by Jay Cochran
October 2, 2007
Covert Operations
Code Name: Lady Jaye
For twenty-five years, the heroic G.I.Joe team has battled the evil COBRA forces with guns, guts, and glory - and loyal fans like you have stood beside them every missile-firing step of the way. Your remarkable dedication to these courageous heroes and menacing villians has made G.I.Joe the unsurpassed icon of action and adventure that it is today. G.I.Joe has risen to the challenge for a quarter of a century, and will continue the fearless fight for years to come. YO JOE!
Filename: Hart-Brunett, Alison R.
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Secondary Military Specialty: Personnel clerk
Birthplace: Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
LADY JAYE graduated Bryn Mawr and did her graduate work at Trinity College in Dublin where she acquired the faint Gaelic lilt that adorns her speech. An acomplished actress and mime as well as a studied linguist, she can easily pass as a native in France, Italy, Poland, Russian, Germany, Afghanistan, Spain, and Portugal.
Airborne and Ranger qualified, graduated intelligence school Fort Holabird. Qualified expert: M-16, M1911A1 and reflex crossbow.
"LADY JAYE doesn't go in for the phony wig and rubber mask brand of disguise like those jokers on Mission Impossible. She becomes the subject: body language, subtle gesture, correct shading of dialect - the right look in the eye. Cloaked and sandled, she can squat down with a basket of oranges in any Middle Eastern marketplace and blend in perfectly."
UPC: 5356925981
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