since they are making a falcon NE comic pack i wonder if they will do a jinx pythona pack.
I don't care what anyone says... that bat is one of the most visually stunning characters in the Joe mythos.
That pack better be perfect. No Flint repaint for Falcon. Big bat wings for Enforcer!
All I have to say as a new member these figures are gonna break wallets with multiple re-paints. If they were gonna make nemesis enforcer, they should've just made a multi-pack with him in it along with Golobulus, Royal Guard, making a Pythona figure would be cool and to make it really a five pack put either a mutant Cobra Commander or when he was a nobleman. They should've put instead of Falcon put in Sgt Slaughter with nemesis enforcer. Those two were fighting more of each other in the movie.
ya the sgt. makes more sense, the only time i remember falcon and NE together is when hes slaping falcon around in the interagation.
All I have to say as a new member these figures are gonna break wallets with multiple re-paints. If they were gonna make nemesis enforcer, they should've just made a multi-pack with him in it along with Golobulus, Royal Guard, making a Pythona figure would be cool and to make it really a five pack put either a mutant Cobra Commander or when he was a nobleman. They should've put instead of Falcon put in Sgt Slaughter with nemesis enforcer. Those two were fighting more of each other in the movie.
WTF!??!?!? Nemisis Enf.? and people thought the possible wave 9 and 10 with Hardball and Covergirl were a little fishy? lol... Make a damn HARDBALL!!!!!! lol
Along these same lines; no Mutt/Junkyard or Blowtorch?! Nemesis Enforcer?! I'm all for diversity and (hopefully) new sculpts, but this guy just doesn't jive IMHO since we have so many other great classic Joes to get to first.
Oh well, I can't complain too much or too loudly if we're getting Lt. Falcon and Tripwire. I love both of these guys!
Another good sounding wave of comic packs. But I'm still astounded as to exactly how much we are getting leaked to us before Toy Fair (much less any other con.) This is going to be a wallet breaking year. I just wish they would stick comic only characters and/or comic only looks to specific characters.
I can't even begin to imagine what they will show at Toy Fair..... C'mon Rattlers!!!
New sculpt Falcon?? nah too good to be true.Falcon will be a snake eyes body with new head, viper sleeves and new accessories.If it is a repaint of flint then F$%# you hasbro.
I betcha Duke/Flint body, Tiger Force Flint / Viper sleeves new head.
New sculpt Falcon?? nah too good to be true.Falcon will be a snake eyes body with new head, viper sleeves and new accessories.If it is a repaint of flint then F$%# you hasbro.
WTF!??!?!? Nemisis Enf.? and people thought the possible wave 9 and 10 with Hardball and Covergirl were a little fishy? lol... Make a damn HARDBALL!!!!!! lol
This is old news, I just don't remember where I saw it, lol
I was hoping for pictures.
I'm confused, was Nemesis Enforcer ever in an actual GI Joe comic? If so, what issue (since I assume we are getting a comic with the comic pack)?
He wasn't in the comic, but starting with the 3rd wave the comic stories will be brand new stories written by Larry Hama where he is filling in gaps between Marvel issues, so I assume he finds some way to get Enforcer into a new story for that set.