Hasbro is going to do what they have done to all the other lines- Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones- give it an action figure line and a "chubby" galactic hero-type line, it's only obvious.
Superhero Squad Snake-eyes w/ Timber
Muggs are 6" tall and the clues say smaller then 3 3/4". So it's not Muggs.
Minimates would be cool, but doubt it. I agree with Jay either Superhero squad type figures or Mighty Muggs.
I have no idea what it is, but reading the clues my guess is it's gonna a debut of a GIJoe line of Galactic/Superhero Squad figures and this one being Snake-Eyes with Timber.
I have no idea what it is, but reading the clues my guess is it's gonna a debut of a GIJoe line of Galactic/Superhero Squad figures and this one being Snake-Eyes with Timber.
The secret 2008 SDCC exclusive figure is going to be a Mini-Mate, that much I found out. I'm working on finding out what the character is going to be, but i'm leaning towards Snake-Eyes.Well if they start doing Mini-Mates, I'm just gonna have to get them. I love those things - although I don't currently collect them, they're hard to resist!
Now that I think about it...
I really doubt it's gonna be Mini-Mates. Although it'd be cool if it was, Hasbro has a line that they may see as in direct competition with them - Adventure/Robot/Whatever Heroes. So far they've done if for ALL their other boys' brands - Transformers, Marvel Superheroes, Indiana Jones, Star Wars. With a successful GI Joe line and a movie coming up, it's inevitable that they'll be doing ones for them too.
The only way Mini-Mates would get done is if Hasbro has been convinced that they'd sell to a completely different market - which is true, since you mostly find them in comic book and collectible stores - but I have a feeling they wouldn't be.
Jinx. lol. I can go with that. Kind of would have rather had a regular figure but its cool. I wonder what the distribution numbers will be. The production run of exclusives has been pretty low with the cons. They should up the numbers a little since GI Joe is popular again.
As far as the character it will be, I will go for any version of any character as long as it is not a live action movie version.
minimates wtf?
The secret 2008 SDCC exclusive figure is going to be a Mini-Mate, that much I found out. I'm working on finding out what the character is going to be, but i'm leaning towards Snake-Eyes.
Well if they start doing Mini-Mates, I'm just gonna have to get them. I love those things - although I don't currently collect them, they're hard to resist!