These look fantastic. The BAT might be the nicest 25th anniversary figure yet. I don't see a single bad figure in the wave. Oh, and that "international collection" logo on Ninja Ku gives me hope that pilot Scarlett is indeed Glenda.
Barbecue does look like maybe the Joes finally left him some burgers.
It's both hilarious and just a little said that I didn't even have to think about it to get that joke.
Anyway, I'm liking these figures a lot. The child in me is hoping that Bazooka is actually packing a spring-loaded missile launcher there, and Barbecue just makes me want my favorite hazmat Joe, Airtight, even more.
The Stormie repaint was the only one that threw me. At first I thought he was supposed to be a 'ninja training' Snake-Eyes. I think the gold edges on his weapons make them look like they come from a knockoff figure. After realizing that the idea is to milk the mold for some of those nonsensical international variants, I'm a bit more excited about it. Some of those crazy repaints were a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind seeing Cobra Mortal or TNT down the road.
Now I know why I don't care so much for the 25th line.
I want to be 7 again.
Not to be a sceptic or anything but I never thought we'd see all that stuff packaged in with one figure. The BAT has alot of accessories as is without all that battle damaged stuff. As cool as it is I think they cut it out (just my opinion I have nothing to back that up).However: Battle damaged variant? Could be....
Considering how Hasbro's handled GI Joe to date, and the ruckuss caused by the Timber variant junk, I'm leaning towards a seperate release. I'm pretty sure it won't be put with the Serpentor pack since none of the new accessories were ever featured in the cartoon, and the cartoon colors deserve their own due.
I'm leaning towards a comic pack, maybe a 44.5 with Dr. Mindbender.
On average, this is a solid wave, and I really like the 3 and 3 ratio of new figures (even if a couple are repaints...). But for whatever reason, I really haven't been truely enamored with the wave, and haven't since wave 1 08. Doesn't mean I won't get most of the wave, granted...
Another great wave. After seeing Barbecue, I wish Hasbro would start including alternate unmasked heads with the figs, if not removable helmets.
That would be areally good idea. That way too they don't have to worry about removable helmets being gigantic.
Another great wave. After seeing Barbecue, I wish Hasbro would start including alternate unmasked heads with the figs, if not removable helmets.
i so hear you on that my man.
Another great wave. After seeing Barbecue, I wish Hasbro would start including alternate unmasked heads with the figs, if not removable helmets.
i guess didn't notice because we haven't gotten wave 8 yet. but wave 9 is still different than wave 8 because the blister back is yellow. does anyone know why they switched that?what type of answer are you looking for? do you think that there is some sort of significance and meaning to the yellow as opposed to any other color? I think the answer is pretty obvious -- they just liked the way it looks.
man the figs rock but the card art looks like crap . they look way to cartoonie for me. it looks like they fired the guy from the first few waves
As a collector who opens the figures, it doesn't impact me. I know some of your open your figs and care a great deal about the card art, and some of you are MOC collectors, but for me. It doesn't matter as long as the figures are good.
man the figs rock but the card art looks like crap . they look way to cartoonie for me. it looks like they fired the guy from the first few waves
i guess didn't notice because we haven't gotten wave 8 yet. but wave 9 is still different than wave 8 because the blister back is yellow. does anyone know why they switched that?
what type of answer are you looking for? do you think that there is some sort of significance and meaning to the yellow as opposed to any other color? I think the answer is pretty obvious -- they just liked the way it looks.